Year 4 – Life changes and transitions


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Presentation transcript:

Year 4 – Life changes and transitions I am learning to accept that I will feel a wide range of emotions depending on the situation This lesson fits into the Life Changes strand. It focuses on exploring loss and the associated feelings. Children discuss situations in which someone might experience loss, including change and the loss of material possessions/ something which is special to someone. Children will also be given opportunities to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and explore how they might offer support to someone who has lost something. © Leeds South and East CCG

Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I can name some things, including changes, that can affect people’s emotional wellbeing and I understand that feeling different emotions is a part of life I understand that everyone’s state of mental health can change frequently and that any one state is not necessarily permanent I can use ‘I’ messages especially (e.g. I feel ___ when ___ happens I would like to feel ___ ) if experiencing difficult emotions I can listen to others ‘I’ messages 2

How we will work together Can you remember the group agreement we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

What do we already know? Working in pairs Excited Relieved Valued Worried Upset Working in pairs Angry Ecstatic Children to sort emotions cards on the emotions scale (enlarge ‘Emotions scale’ onto A3 paper for use in pairs/ groups). Bring together ideas briefly and emphasise that feelings/ emotions are a natural part of life. Content Frustrated 4

Let’s get started Reflection time… Where you there yesterday / at playtime / last weekend? Can you feel more than one emotion at the same time Is it always easy to cope with how you are feeling? Where on the scale are you now? Will you always be there? Discussion/ reflection – Think to yourself where on this scale you are now. Will you always be there? Were you there yesterday/ at playtime/ last weekend? Why? Why not? Can you feel more than one emotion at the same time? Re-introduce the fact that emotional wellbeing is to do with how you feel and being able to cope with the whole range of emotions which appear on the emotions scale, even when that feels difficult. ––––––––––––––––––– 5

A range of emotions Watch the video clip © BBC Bitesize, 2013 Right click on ‘Video link’ hyperlink and click ‘open hyperlink’ to access video. Watch video clip. Stop at (00:32). Re-cap the idea of a quest. How are they feeling? Collect words on post its and display. Continue video. Stop at (01:38) Talk partners to discuss briefly.   Watch the video clip © BBC Bitesize, 2013 6

A range of emotions How are they feeling? How is it making each of them feel? Do Sophie, Kareem and Ben all agree on what is the fairest way to share out the kit? How are they now? Continue watching video clip. Stop at (02.42) Each table has an A3 Feelings Map. Feelings Map activity   7

Emotional wellbeing How is your character feeling? Group discussion Each table to look at character cards and discuss/plot/ map the characters feelings in relation to the different things that have happened. Use post-its to record ideas about how their character might be feeling at each stage and why they think this scale (enlarge ‘Feelings map’ onto A3 for use in pairs/ groups). Sophie Ben Kareem 8

Emotional wellbeing Feelings map Groups to swap feelings maps. Acknowledge that the characters would have felt a range of emotions at different points. Why is it important to think about how we are feeling at different times? Why is it important to try and understand how others feel? Think about the difficult emotions your character might be experiencing. Practise in pairs sharing an ‘I’ messages (e.g. I feel X when X happens I would like to feel X) in role as their character. Discuss what an agony aunt is. What advice would the children give to their character? Is there a solution that would make everyone feel happy? Is there a solution that is fair to all of them? 9

You’re the Agony Aunt! Talk partners ‘I’ message… I feel ___ when ___ happens. I would like to feel ___. What advice would you give to Sophie, Ben and Kareem about their dilemmas? Is there a solution that would make everyone feel happy? Is there a solution that is fair to all of them? Groups to swap feelings maps. Acknowledge that the characters would have felt a range of emotions at different points. Why is it important to think about how we are feeling at different times? Why is it important to try and understand how others feel? Think about the difficult emotions your character might be experiencing. Practise in pairs sharing an ‘I’ messages (e.g. I feel X when X happens I would like to feel X) in role as their character. Discuss what an agony aunt is. What advice would the children give to their character? Is there a solution that would make everyone feel happy? Is there a solution that is fair to all of them? 10

How has our learning progressed? Talk partners ‘I’ message… I feel ___ when ___ happens. I would like to feel ___. Mental Health Feelings Re-cap LOs and discuss. Discuss the fact that emotional wellbeing is also known as mental health. Collect ideas as a class about what factors can affect someone’s emotional wellbeing/ mental health. Why is emotional wellbeing/ mental health important? Link back to the various challenges that Sophie, Kareem and Ben experienced in the clip. Children to practise sharing, and listening to, ‘I’ messages to communicate difficult emotions (e.g. I feel X when X happens I would like to feel X) with their partner. Adults to model examples to start. Emotional Wellbeing 11

Taking the learning away Discuss how you are feeling with your friends or someone you trust. Use some of the ideas/ advice you have discussed to help you when you have different/ difficult feelings. Complete your own ‘emotions scale’ over a day/ week to help you keep track of your feelings 12

Additional resources and help Talk to your teacher or an adult in school Talk to your Mum, Dad or someone you trust at home about how you are feeling If you have them: – Write your worry down and post it in the class worry box – Talk to a peer mediator in your school – Write your worry down on the worry wall on the school’s website Contact: im-a-young-person Where can I go for help? 12