121 I have done what is righteous and just;


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Presentation transcript:

121 I have done what is righteous and just; do not leave me to my oppressors. 122 Ensure your servant’s well-being; do not let the arrogant oppress me. 123 My eyes fail, looking for your salvation, looking for your righteous promise. 124 Deal with your servant according to your love and teach me your decrees.

125 I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes. 126 It is time for you to act, Lord; your law is being broken. 127 Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, 128 and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path.

Gold is a major theme in the Bible 127 Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold,

Psalm 19: The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

Psalm 19... 9 The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. 10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.

Gold is a major theme in the Bible Represented wealth People were poor One's gold items were very precious To be hidden from thieves Hard to part with Gold was to be offered to God Ex 25:3 Gold was NOT to be offered to idols Ex 20:23 Both tabernacle and temple adorned with gold

What is eternity going to be like? Everybody projects their own preferences on Heaven Ice Cream in heaven Beer in heaven Smoking a joint in heaven He's up in heaven swearing up a storm and chasing women 90 minutes We are all hurting over loss Wondering if “I'm next”

Our eternal home is lined with streets of gold Rev 21:17-18 The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits thick. 18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. 19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. 21 ...The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass. 22 I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.

Our eternal home is precious It is a place God the father is present there Jesus is there The Holy Spirit hovers No more pain A feast We have redeemed bodies

What is precious to you? Time? Your Treasure? Home? Your Talents and Abilities? Drive to accomplish? Your position? Prestige? Let it go!

So What? Death comes to all This is not depressing It is just a fact 1 Cor 15:22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. This is not depressing It is just a fact The question is: What will you do now, to prepare for then? Love God's Word more than anything! Do God's Word!