WPGHS - The Implementation of the Australian Curriculum


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Presentation transcript:

WPGHS - The Implementation of the Australian Curriculum Staff Professional Development Day 1 Term 2 29 April 2013

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Why the NEW Australian Curriculum? The development of the Australian Curriculum is guided by the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, adopted by the Ministerial Council in December 2008. The Melbourne Declaration emphasises the importance of knowledge, skills and understandings of learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities as the basis for a curriculum designed to support 21st century learning.

ACARA PROGRESS http://www.acara.edu.au/curriculum/curriculum.html The NSW the implementation of the Australian Curriculum has been delayed to enable the Board of Studies to develop syllabus documents as required by NSW legislation. English. Mathematics, Science and History will commence in 2014 for years 7 and 9.


Understanding the Features of the New Curriculum

THE LEARNER and the new curriculum

The Learner and the new curriculum This module of work is to assist schools to prepare to implement new syllabuses suited to the needs of their students and the strategies that would best engage and improve learning. It is anticipated that participants will understand: 1. how the new curriculum will meet the needs of learners 2. the diversity of learners 3. the capacities needed by today's learners 4. how students learn

Curriculum development


LEARNING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM These statements are from the Shape of the Australian Curriculum Document V3 ACARA Rather than being self-contained or fixed, disciplines are interconnected, dynamic and growing. A discipline-based curriculum should allow for cross-disciplinary learning. (point 57) Increasingly, in a world where knowledge itself is constantly growing and evolving, students need to develop a set of knowledge skills, behaviours and dispositions, or general capabilities that apply across subject-based content and equip them to be lifelong learners able to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world. (point 60)

CROSS Curriculum & general Capabilities

THE CONTEXT OF THE LEARNERS Think about the issues and factors that influence your students in the classes you are teaching.


Today's kindergarteners will be retiring in the year 2067 Today's kindergarteners will be retiring in the year 2067. We have no idea of what the world will look in five years, much less 60 years, yet we are charged with preparing our students for life in that world. Reference: What is 21st Century education?

How learners connect

Temporary knowledge store Last minute organisation Review Temporary knowledge store Fast paced change Last minute organisation

NSW PUBLIC SCHOOLS - The diversity of learners 95,000 teachers in 2,200 public schools 220,837 42,000 35,000 136,188 5,650 55,000 75,000

DIVERSITY Every student … has unique abilities and potential has needs shaped by background is entitled to learning across the curriculum needs teachers to cater for abilities needs teachers to have high expectations

ACTIVITY - DIVERSITY Think about the profile of the students in your classroom. Consider student background, abilities, interests and motivations. Identify some of the diverse groups in your classrooms. How are you addressing the diverse learning needs in your classroom?

Capacities needed by today’s learners Viewpoint 1: 21st Century skills Dr Tony Wagner

capacities Viewpoint 2: Dr Paul Brock

CAPACITIES Additional Readings/ Viewpoints

Activity - capacity Consider the capacities you most want to develop in the children and young people you teach and why. Record some of your beliefs Discuss with some colleagues

Student learning Students differ in many ways fundamental to learning: prior knowledge, ability, conceptions of learning, learning styles and strategies, interest, motivation, self-efficacy beliefs and emotion, as well in socio-environmental terms such as linguistic, cultural, cultural and social background. A fundamental challenge is to manage such differences, while at the same time ensuring that young people learn together within a shared education and culture. Reference: The nature of learning: using research to inspire practice (OECD 2010) (.pdf 179kB).

Teachers should consider the diverse range of student learning abilities and needs when planning and programming. Differentiation of learning programs may include changes to one or more of the following: content (what students learn) process (how students learn) product (how students demonstrate their learning) learning environment (environment and resources available)

The nature of learning: using research to inspire practice (OECD 2010) Learner centred: the environment needs to be highly focussed on learning Structured and well designed: to be “learner centred” requires careful design and high levels of professionalism Profoundly personalised: acutely sensitive to background, prior knowledge, motivation & abilities of individuals and groups Inclusive: being sensitive to individual and group differences Social: when learners collaborate and there is a connection to the learning community.

How do students learn?

Enhanced learning Learning is enhanced when teachers: pay attention to the knowledge and beliefs that learners bring to a learning task use this knowledge as a starting point for new instruction monitor students' changing conceptions as instruction proceeds. Reference: How people learn So, teachers need to recognise: cultural and linguistic capital multicultural perspectives different life experiences.

Zone of proximal development ©Josep Ma. Rosell CC BY 2.0 The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is just beyond what the child can do alone. New capacities can only be developed in the ZPD through collaboration in actual, concrete, situated activities with an adult or more capable peer. Reference:  http://www.myread.org/scaffolding.htm

MODULE ACCREDITATION On this professional development day, many excerpts from the DEC professional learning module "The learner and the new curriculum" were used. Teachers can have this module  registered for professional learning at MyPL@EDU (code 151CLC020) if completed individually after the day. A supervisor (either of the Deputy Principals) will be required to verify your completion of the course.                                     

Remainder of the day 11:30 - 1:15  Session 2: Teaching for the new curriculum  This is a faculty based session using a module developed by DEC to assist teachers to implement that new curriculum. 1:15 - 2:00   Lunch - provided by the school 2:00 -  3:10  Session 3 : Faculty plan for implementation                                          1. Auditing our existing resources, programs and practices                                         2. Developing plans to manage the development and implementation of Australian Curriculum Feedback evaluation Please complete the evaluation survey on the SDD Resources page and submit to either of the Deputy Principal.

2 Session 2: Teaching for the new curriculum (11:30 - 1:15) This is a faculty based session using a module developed by DEC to assist teachers to implement that new curriculum. Head teachers will be facilitating this module for your faculty. The unit gives participants the opportunity to engage with the following topics: 1. what is working in my school 2. the need for planning and programing 3. principles for planning and programming 4. planning, programming and assessment strategies in context. It is preferable that teachers who participate in this module of work collaborate with a small team of colleagues; we will be dividing into faculty teams. This module will be scheduled as an event on MyPL@EDU and engagement in this course will be verified on MyPL@EDU and two hours of professional development registered (code 151CLC027).

3 1:15 - 2:00   Lunch - provided by the school 2:00 -  3:10  Session 3 : Faculty plan for implementation                              1. Auditing our existing resources, programs and practices                            2. Developing plans to manage the development and implementation of Australian Curriculum Feedback evaluation Please complete the evaluation survey on the SDD Resources page and submit to either of the Deputy Principals