Look at my notes under each slide 1.2.2 Quiz Look at my notes under each slide
This question comes from chapter 27 section 2 This question comes from chapter 27 section 2. If you read page 580 it will help you come up with the answer.
This answer comes from chapter 26 This answer comes from chapter 26. If you read between pages 561 and 562 you will find the answer.
This comes from chapter 40 section 1 This comes from chapter 40 section 1. If you read the first paragraph on page 828 you should be able to come up with the answer.
This question comes from a combination of chapter 40 section 1 and chapter 40 section 3. Section 1 is on page 828 and section 3 is on page 832.
This comes from chapter 40 section 1 & 2, page 828 & 830 This comes from chapter 40 section 1 & 2, page 828 & 830. The gull example is on the bottom of page 828 figure 40.2.
Chapter 40 Section 2, page 830.
After reading through chapter 40 you should be able to pick out the best answer. The answer does not come from a specific section, but if you think about it long enough you will be able to tell that one choice stands out from the rest. Think about which choice is going to help reproduction occur more.
This comes from chapter 27 section 2 page 579-584 This comes from chapter 27 section 2 page 579-584. Make sure you read the entire section before coming up with you answer. Make sure you understand why the stomata opens and what would trigger such an opening.
This question comes from what you have already learned about natural selection (where the environment selects the best traits to survive, “survival of the fittest”). Chapter 40 section 5 page 839 can also help you with this question.
Chapter 40 section 1 page 828.
Think of natural selection, which choice would give an advantage over another? Otherwise this question comes from a combination of sections out of chapter 40.
Think about the answer choices, one of them clearly uses a chemical signal while the rest do not. If you need help on chemical signals look at chapter 40 section 4 page 834.
Again think about the choices, one is clearly helping an organism Again think about the choices, one is clearly helping an organism. Otherwise chapter 40 section 4 page 834.
This question comes from chapter 40 again it is a combination of the sections. I think that sections 4-6 would be the best to re-read if you do not understand this question.
Another question that you can come up with the answer by putting a little brain power into it. Otherwise chapter 40 section 5 page 839.
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