How do you show that you 'THIRST’ for knowing something? THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE Passion for a topic Perseverance How do you show that you 'THIRST’ for knowing something?
Uses thinking strategies BRINGS THE RIGHT TOOLS Uses thinking strategies Values effort What ‘tools’ does a Scholar bring ?
SAVES IMPORTANT INFORMATION How did they preserve or save information? How can you save information? Keeping a journal Uses graphic organizer Summarize learning Reflection Time
ACcESSES MULTIPLE RESOURCES How do you think they accessed information? What kind of resources do we have today? Primary Resources –first hand account / experts Secondary Resources – internet research / someone sharing another person’s experiences
SETS GOALS Identify steps to success Perseverance What are some of your goals? LONG TERM GOAL SHORT TERM GOAL
ASKS good QUESTIONS What do you wonder? Variety of questions. CLOSED QUESTION – yes or no answer/ one or one word answer OPEN QUESTION – takes an explanation Question peers. Question while reading.
SEE FROM DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES What are some different viewpoints, or ways of looking at things? Subjective – from how you see it Objective – how others view it Intellectual empathy Different Social Roles Different Time Periods
EXERCISE THE INTELlECT Come prepared for the lesson and independent studies Humility Integrity Perseverance How can you exercise your thinking?
Divergent questioning PONDERS the big idea Thinking ‘BIG’ Divergent questioning Consider facts & new concepts
List 3 scholarly behaviors at which you think you excel. How are YOU a Scholar? List 3 scholarly behaviors at which you think you excel. List a behavior you want to develop and make stronger this year.