The Great Depression & WWII 1919-1945
German Depression Germany’s government: Weimar Republic- very weak Germany did not increase wartime taxes; just printed more money Result was HUGE inflation Had to pay reparations for WWI; just printed more money. Made inflation worse German prosperity returns as a result of the Dawes plan
What statement might this picture make about the value of German currency during the Great Depression?
American Financial Collapse American Economy sustained world economy in 1920s US ECN had weaknesses: Uneven distribution of wealth Overproduction by business and agriculture Many Americans were buying less American farmers and business owners stopped making profit and were unable to pay off their loans
All of these men are applying for ONE job!
American Financial Collapse 1929, Black Tuesday. NYC’s Wall Street Stock Market Crash Investors noticed that stock prices were unnaturally high Started selling stocks Tried to lower prices gradually; ended up being downward plummet Everyone wanted to sell; no one wanted to buy Market collapsed
This leads to a run on banks…..
The Great Depression Stock market crash quickened ECN problems Factory production cut in half US Government tried to tax imports heavily; hurt US and overseas businesses Britain’s success Passed high protective tariffs Increased taxes Lowered interest rates Regulated currency Brought about slow but steady recovery
The Great Depression US recovers 1932 Presidential election: Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected president Sets up government reform called The New Deal Includes large public works projects Large amounts of public money spent on welfare Regulated stock market and banking system Preserved country’s faith in the American Democratic System Eventually, US involvement in WWII pulled us out of depression
FDR vs. incumbent Herbert Hoover
World War II
WWII Agressors Italy: Fascists- led by Mussolini Germany: Nazis- led by Hitler Japan: militarist- led by Hirohito Spain: socialist- led by Fransisco Franco
Attempts at Peace US follows isolationist policy Germany expands the 3rd Reich Hitler continues to march into countries and annex them. Appeasement: Munich Conference, Sept. 29th 1938 Decide to give Hitler the Sudetenland Hitler promises to respect Czechoslovakia’s borders 6 months later, Hitler annexes Czechoslovakia
Non Aggression Nonaggression pact signed by the Nazis (Germans) and the Soviets (Russians) Stalin and Hitler agreed never to attack one another Italy, Germany, and Russia- the Axis powers
The European Campaign Soviet troops occupy the eastern half of Poland Fall of France Dunkirk Battle of Britain Hitler invades Russia Mussolini in Ethiopia US undeclared naval war with Germany
The Eastern Front Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Battle of Midway Battle of Guadalcanal- 43:28 WWII HD Episode 1 Battle of Iwo Jima See page 933 in the text. Discuss warm up answers.
Allied Victory North African Campaign Battle of Stalingrad Invasion of Italy D-day invasion- Deception: Battle of the Bulge See page 942 in the text. Answer questions 1 and 2. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
WWII Ends Germany has unconditional surrender Japan surrenders and is then occupied by the US Nuremburg trials held those responsible for the Holocaust accountable for their crimes Famine and disease spread throughout Europe b/c transportation system was destroyed by European battles