fsu Scotland The impact of parental substance use on the child’s experience of school
Parental Substance Use -The Context Hidden Harm Getting Our Priorities Right
Impact of parental problem drug use on education Age 0-2 lack of stimulation due to parental preoccupation with drugs Age 3-4 lack of stimulation, irregular or no attendance at pre-school Age 5-9 poorer school attendance, preparation and concentration due to parental problems and home situation
Impact of parental problem drug use on education Age 10 -14 continued poor academic performance, higher risk of school exclusion Age 15 + lack of educational attainment may affect long-term life chances
Resilience and protective factors Strong social support networks Presence of at least one unconditionally supportive parent A committed mentor or other person from outside the family Positive school experiences
Protective factors One or both parents receiving effective treatment Other responsible adults are helpfully involved in the child
aim Outcomes Outputs Increased self esteem and resilience in children To reduce the risks and needs of children with problem substance using parents. aim Increased self esteem and resilience in children Families access other helping services Outcomes Increased engagement with school Parents receive ongoing support with addiction Development of parenting capacity Joint working with professionals from children’s and adult services Intensive support to parents to develop parenting capacity Individual and group support to children Outputs Helping families access other services Family school liaison work to promote positive school experience
Challenges Inter-agency working Engaging parents Identifying a hidden problem Measuring change and outcomes