PHYSICS LABS – WEEK 3 XREG PHYS 1001 – Physics 1 (Regular) Monday 2 – 5 pm
Today’s Lab Standard Experiments Begin:
Today’s Lab Experiment notes available: online through your CANVAS account as a temporary lab copy to be returned Each tutor will take care of a particular experiment. They do an introduction to the experiment Provide help and mark off your progress (i.e. checkpoints) NOTE WHICH TUTOR GIVES YOU YOUR CHECKPOINTS
Accessing Group Folder To save data on the computer system: Click circle next to start button (in bottom left corner) Type in and open Physics Network Map Write your username: 2REG1_XX (e.g. 01 for Group 1) Type in password given to you A folder will appear – save all the files you want to keep in this folder
IMPORTANT FINAL NOTES If you need any equipment not provided at the benches, please ask the lab staff: Alex, Adam or Laura RETURN ALL EQUIPMENT AT THE END OF THE LAB LOG OFF YOUR COMPUTERS BEFORE YOU LEAVE