2019 Maryland Highway Safety Summit April 17, 2019 Jake Nelson, MPH, MPP National Director, Traffic Safety Advocacy & Research
Cover history of the campaign: 1993 – 2014 (20 years) Paid for by dairy farmers and milk processors in CA then nationally to raise milk consumption. SF-based ad agency designed the campaign based on a single comment in a focus group from a woman who said, “The only time I think about milk is when I’ve run out of it.” #Deprivation
WARC put the list together by analyzing more than 2,000 winners of advertising effectiveness campaigns around the world, in partnership with King's College London.
Always, "#LikeAGirl," global Always parent company Procter & Gamble found that more than half of girls it surveyed in the U.S. experienced a drop in confidence when they reached puberty. So it created the #LikeAGirl campaign, aiming to change the phrase from negative to positive. After it ran, 76 percent of people P&G researched said they saw the phrase positively, and two in three men said they would think twice before using "like a girl" as an insult.
~ $10 million spent per 1 percentage point change in consumer opinion or self-reported behavior
$367 million 2005-2011 ( over $61 million per year) : : $45-91 MM per 1 percentage point change in self-reported behavior. Behaviors over the holiday season: every January for the past five years--immediately following the Project Road block push--an increasing number of adults 21+ report that within the past month they have refrained from driving after drinking, from nine percent in January 2006 to 13 percent in January 2011. The growth was similar among men 21-35, from 17 percent to 25 percent.
Health promoting behaviors: absolute median change of 8 Health promoting behaviors: absolute median change of 8.4 percentage points (Interquartile Interval [IQI]: 2.7 to 14.5 percentage points; 20 studies). This review evaluates the effectiveness of interventions that combine two components to increase the appropriate, repeated use of evidence-based, health-related products: A health communication campaign that uses messages to increase awareness of, demand for, and appropriate use of the product. The messages must be delivered through multiple channels, one of which must be mass media, to provide multiple opportunities for exposure; and Distribution of a health-related product, free of charge or at a reduced price (e.g., discount coupons), to reduce cost, access, and convenience-related barriers among targeted users. Health-related products eligible for this review: Have been shown through an evidence-based process (such as a peer-reviewed systematic review or multiple rigorous studies) to improve health-related outcomes (e.g., increased physical activity; smoking cessation; reductions in disease, injury, or death) Are tangible Are not a service (e.g., mammogram) Are not exclusively available though prescription or administration by a health professional (e.g., vaccination or prescribed medication) Require repeated use for desired health promotion and/or disease and injury prevention effects (e.g., using condoms, wearing helmets) rather than a one-time behavior (e.g., installing smoke alarms) Cannot be a specific food product (e.g., oatmeal) marketed as being “healthful”
We are passionate. More passionate than most people will ever be about our particular cause. We are outliers. Also, people are not just different from us…they are different from one another. Common Mistake: trying to convince people they don’t know what they need. Reality: Behavior change marketing is about offering people something they want. It’s our job to a way to get it. If we can make it more fun, easier to do…or more popular…we all win.
Formative Research: Behavior Change Marketing Target Group of Actors Observable Action Context for the Action Fun (rewards, penalties, risks, feelings) Easy (skills/knowledge, control, context, efficacy) Popular (social norms, self- standards, loss aversion)
Formative Research: Behavior Change Marketing Target Group of Actors Observable Action Context for the Action Fun (rewards, penalties, risks, feelings) Easy (skills/knowledge, control, context, efficacy) Popular (social norms, self- standards, loss aversion)
Formative Research: Behavior Change Marketing Target Group of Actors Observable Action Context for the Action Fun (rewards, penalties, risks, feelings) Easy (skills/knowledge, control, context, efficacy) Popular (social norms, self- standards, loss aversion)
Formative Research: Behavior Change Marketing Target Group of Actors Observable Action Context for the Action Fun (rewards, penalties, risks, feelings) Easy (skills/knowledge, control, context, efficacy) Popular (social norms, self- standards, loss aversion)
Formative Research: Behavior Change Marketing Target Group of Actors Observable Action Context for the Action Fun (rewards, penalties, risks, feelings) Easy (skills/knowledge, control, context, efficacy) Popular (social norms, self- standards, loss aversion)
Formative Research: Behavior Change Marketing Target Group of Actors Observable Action Context for the Action Fun (rewards, penalties, risks, feelings) Easy (skills/knowledge, control, context, efficacy) Popular (social norms, self- standards, loss aversion)