ZIMS What’s News! November 2018 What’s News covers functionality that was recently deployed in ZIMS. New functionality is rolled out every two weeks and sometimes more often than that! Major new functionality will have its own PPT or Help document. ZIMS What’s News covers miscellaneous new functionality that you may not know about!
New Topics Covered Husbandry Studbook Animal Available from Record Group History on Specimen Report Studbook Dismissing Data Entry Errors
Animal Available from Record This was an Enhancement requested by many of our ZIMS Users. You can now record an animal on the Animals Available list directly from the animal record. Go to Details tab > Actions > Add Animal to Animals Available List. If the animal is already on the list you will get a warning. To remove the animal from the AA list, you will still need to do so from My Institution > Animals Available.
Group History on Specimen Report In addition to viewing the Notes from other groups that an individual or group has been a member of, you can now select to have that information included in the Specimen Report. A new option for “Group History Notes” will appear when Notes are selected to include in the report.
Studbook – Dismissing Data Entry Errors You can now dismiss Data Quality Errors that you do not believe are true errors. Species biology may be such that ZIMS sees an error when there really is not one. Examples are delayed implantation and embryonic diapause where the Sire may be dead long before the conception date that is calculated from the gestation period. Select the “x” to the right of the error to dismiss it. You can bring all dismissed errors back by checking the Display Dismissed Errors checkbox.