Reducing carbon emissions Aims Why Reduce system carbon emissions by 4% Ensure that the whole system is clear about contribution to the Climate Change Act 34% reduction target Ensure 100% of NHS organisations have an SDMP Ensure 100% of NHS organisation report on their sustainability, and 50% score good or excellent for their quality Carbon emissions contribute to global warming and climate change We have legal targets to reduce carbon emissions, set by the Climate Change Act (2008) Climate change is the biggest threat to public health of the 21st century It will lead to malnutrition due to crop failure, mass migration due to flooding and crop failures, new and unfamiliar diseases due to population movement and increased injury or death from more frequent extreme weather events, to name a few.
How Identify how practice can change around carbon hotspots of inhalers (potential 4% reduction) and anaesthetics (potential 2% reduction); spread implementation of changes Ensure all organisations adhere to best practice efficiency standards and adopt new innovations to reduce waste, water and carbon (potential 11% reduction) Through the new dashboard, identify target areas for progress (regionally, locally and nationally) Conduct the annual overview of the quality of sustainability reporting Specific implementation plan by the summer Analyse use of the Sustainable Development Assessment Tool Identify 2-3 high resource impact, decision-sensitive care pathways and publish the first decision aid tool with NICE