MC radiation pressure effects


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Presentation transcript:

MC radiation pressure effects S.HEBRI S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Motivation Instabilities on the Thx open loop, and oscillation at 3.6Hz. Prediction Change of the mechanical resonance frequency. S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Thx OL TF with AA in low noise mode Black RFC locked Purple RFC unlocked Resonance at 1.95Hz??? must be at 2.13HZ 3.6HZ Oscillations seen at 3.6Hz are understood S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Thx OL TF with local control Black MC locked Purple MC unlocked Strange behavior of the phase??? 1.95Hz 2.13Hz Change of the mechanical resonance due to the power in the cavity S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

ThY OL TF with local control Purple MC unlocked Red MC locked Black MC locked with 60% of power Change of the frequency resonance function of the power S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Geometrical considerations ThX shift +x ThY shift -4x © F. Bondu Angular restoring force changes with shift of spot position S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Siesta simulation results Sc_IB_TraMC~ 8W3.25KW Plaser(simulation)=10W3.18KW S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Beam position Beam off- centred by 4mm The resonance frequency doesn’t change as a function of the off-centering of the beam S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006

Conclusion -The resonance frequency moves as a function of the power in the cavity. -the ThX resonance frequency decreases, and Thy increases due to the geometry of the cavity. - good corresponding between the simulation and the reality. S.Hebri Detector meeting 05/04/2006