Wyoming Dispute Resolution Jordan Brock Dispute Resolution Coordinator
Wyoming Dispute Resolution FY16-17 Mediation 3 held 1 mediation 2 mediation in lieu of resolution session All resulted in agreement
Wyoming Dispute Resolution FY16-17 State Complaint 4 requested 2 findings of Non-Compliance
Wyoming Dispute Resolution FY16-17 Due Process 3 requested 2 resolved in mediation *None went to hearing
By Federal Year – July 1 to June 30 Wyoming Dispute Resolution FY 2009-2017 IDEA Dispute Resolution Cases By Federal Year – July 1 to June 30 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Mediations Held 4 6 7 1 3 State Complaints Filed 14 15 10 2 Due Process Hearings Filed 1** 3** 4* * 2015 All DPH were settled; 1 in mediation, 3 in resolution **2011 & 2012 produced 1 fully adjudicated hearing. In other years all cases were withdrawn or settled.
Wyoming Dispute Resolution Trends Behavior and Discipline FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) BIPs (Behavior Intervention Plan) MDR (Manifestation Determination Review) Residential Placement 504 Claims
National Dispute Resolution Supreme Court Decision-Endrew F v. Douglas County School District FAPE standard “educational benefit in light of the child's circumstance” Rowley standard still applies Implementation and Litigation
WDE Updates Updating Dispute Resolution Website The addition of user friendly links to information on mediation, state complaint and due process
WDE Updates Cont. Technical Assistance Document ESSA Assessment Accommodations IEP Compliance
IEP Facilitation IEP Facilitation Stakeholder Group Implementation with TAESE
Proactive Dispute Resolution SAST Initiative First Contact Continuum
Sit At Same Time (SAST) Overview The SAST is a WDE Dispute Resolution initiative to put in place a policy or best practice in every district that states “When the appropriate IEP team members are present for a scheduled IEP meeting, all members of the IEP Team shall take their seat’s at the meeting table at the same time”
Sit At Same Time (SAST) Goal/Benefit This practice will help Parent/District collaboration by diminishing the perception of one side verses the other Reduces perceived predetermination Reinforce the team aspect of the meeting “everybody takes the field at the same time”
Sit At Same Time (SAST) Does not cost the district any extra Time Money Resources
Sit At Same Time (SAST) It is a subtle action that can have a major impact on parents perception of the process as being more Inclusive Collaborative Meaningful
First Contact Continuum A Technical Assistance document for parents that provides clear and user friendly information regarding First persons of contact within their child's district when a parent has questions or concerns around their child's education
First Contact Continuum Development T.A. document will be developed hand in hand with parent advocates and stakeholders
Thank You!
CONTACT Jordan Brock 307-777-2961 WIFI