Why would one consider it? Pros and cons Athena for combined TB? Why would one consider it? Pros and cons
Possible Advantages Learn some new tools like C++, Athena, databases… Reconstruction code “reusuable” later for “real” data taking; bigger community can profit Fortran is about to “die”. Thus, motivation to develop code in Fortran low Use of code which already exists or could be easily modified Profit from code development to do TB analysis for EM modules or from ROD package “current” reconstruction code benefits from using/adapting it in more realistic environment
Negative Aspects Development more time-consuming Most of us have to learn first C++, Athena… Still lots of changes in Athena framework, you have to keep track of Fortran code for HEC analysis ready, so not much need to change this part for combined test Work in new framework difficult due to missing documentation, changes in Gaudi/Athena, developing event data model Accept working in ATLAS environment keep code in “running” status Obey coding standards interaction with larger community
Decision Decision on which framework to use depends crucially on Time-scale of project Manpower Interest of people actually writing the code Interest of people doing the analysis later on (to a lesser extend) In the beginning it’s hard to get used to all this new stuff & framework unstable either you work full-time or in an unefficient way
Comments/Suggestions Once TB converter available Try using already existing code e.g. LArHit Produce cells using CaloCell, LArCell Try keeping the reconstruction flow and put in your own code for corrections Speak to reconstruction people if current code is not “flexible” enough If you write “new” code try to keep similar naming conventions for algorithms, variables as available in LAr code makes life easier for newcomers Probably quite some algorithms/methods can be easily translated from Fortran to C/C++, but no use doing “ftoc” because of framework dependencies. If you prefer Fortran no use switching to Athena