OAI & NSDL Research at Grainger Briefing to UIUC Library Faculty 15 April 2003 Timothy W. Cole (t-cole3@uiuc.edu) William H. Mischo (w-mischo@uiuc.edu) http://dli.grainger.uiuc.edu/Publications/TWCole/LibFac2003/
Projects Open Archives Initiative: National Science Digital Library: Illinois OAI Metadata Harvesting (Mellon) IMLS Digital Collections & Content (IMLS) Grainger OAI Resources in Science & Engineering National Science Digital Library: 2nd Generation Math Resources (NSF / DUE)
OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting Harvesting approach to interoperability at metadata level Divides world into Metadata Providers & Service Providers Builds on HTTP, XML, & Dublin Core http://www.openarchives.org/
OAI is a tool All about moving metadata (not data) around A building block, useable by many communities – supports new models of scholarly communication Can facilitate, in some cases enable, advanced digital library services & functions Assumes widely distributed content, but centralized indexing(!) – requires critical mass Providers build once, share many times Purpose of OAI is to foster interoperability
Harvesting vs. Federation Competing approaches to interoperability Federation is when services are run remotely on remote data (e.g. Broadcast Searching) Harvesting is when data/metadata is transferred from the remote source to the destination where the services are located (e.g. Union Catalogs) Federation requires more effort at each remote source but is easier for the central system and vice versa for harvesting OAI focuses on harvesting
Reliance on HTTP, XML, DC OAI is a REpresentational State Transfer (REST) protocol – i.e., URL-based Z39.50, Web services, SOAP are RPC-based OAI requests are sent via the HTTP protocol using GET or POST OAI responses are valid XML documents XML allows validation, increases reliability of what’s harvested (in terms of structure) DC is OAI’s Lowest Common Denominator Communities encouraged to use additional schemas
How OAI Works OAI “VERBS” Identify ListMetadataFormats ListSets ListIdentifiers ListRecords GetRecord Service Provider Metadata Provider H A R V E S T E R R E P O S I T O R Y OAI HTTP Request OAI (OAI Verb) HTTP Response (Valid XML)
As Compared to Z39.50 Z39.50 OAI Content (Objects) Distributed World View Bibliographic Object Presentation Data provider Searching is Centralized Search done by Service provider Metadata searched is Up to date Stale Semantic Mapping When searching Metadata delivery
Mellon-OAI Project Create a web portal to scholarly information resources in cultural heritage harvested via OAI Primary objectives: Develop & make available OAI harvesting tools Build harvesting and search services Investigate viability and utility of searching OAI harvested resources Explore issues of advanced search/indexing/display Explore user needs & metadata usage patterns Identify critical issues and best practices for using OAI with cultural heritage material
Mellon-OAI Achievements Developed harvesting tools (Open Source) Refined data provider tools (Open Source) Investigated logistics of harvesting activities Investigated metadata provider usage of DC, EAD Created XSL stylesheets for metadata transformations (MARC to DC; EAD to DC) Experimented w/ configurations to address scalability & performance issues Usability testing with students in College of Education
Metadata aggregation 39 providers (OAI-compliant and surrogates) Metadata describing resources of 580 institutions (CIMI, CDP) 1.1 million original records 2.6 million including item-level records derived from EAD finding aids
IMLS Digital Collections & Content Build registry of all National Leadership Grant collections with digital content. Assist & guide NLG projects in making item-level metadata sharable using OAI. Build repository, search & discovery tools for integrated access to content of NLG collections Research best practices for sharing metadata about diverse digital content & supporting interests of diverse user communities. Collaboration between UIUC Library, GSLIS, & IMLS
Project Sites UIUC OAI Cultural Heritage Repository Mellon-OAI Project Site IMLS DCC Project Site
National Science Foundation NSDL Program National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Digital Library. http://www.nsdl.org/ Coverage: K to Grey. National system for distributed science education; characterized by a set of exemplary resource collections and services. Highly competitive grants: 3 years, 339 proposals, 105 funded; three main categories: collections, services and targeted research.
2nd Generation Math Resources Collaboration with UIUC Library, Wolfram Research Inc., & COE Dept of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Project Objectives: Adding interactive and graphical content to two feature-rich Wolfram sites. Generating and extracting OAI-compliant metadata, establishing OAI Provider site, adding mathematics controlled vocabulary terms. Developing courseware and problem libraries for TAM courses.
Providing Metadata to NSDL Exposing metadata via OAI Preferred method for bringing metadata into the NSDL repository (requires little manual intervention) Sending metadata via ftp Enabling metadata "scraping" Creating and editing directly to the NSDL metadata repository See also: NSDL Metadata Primer
Wolfram Functions Web Site Source HTML Page Derived Metadata <dc:identifier> <dc:description> <dc:date> <dc:rights>
Wolfram Functions Web Site Source HTML Head Extracted Metadata <dc:title> <dc:description> <dc:subject> <dc:format> <html> <head> <title>Square root: Primary…</title> <meta name='Description' content='Primary definition …' > <meta name='Keywords' content='Sqrt, square root, …' > <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-…'> </head> …
Sample Metadata File for a Wolfram Functions Web Page <oai_dc:dc … > <dc:title>Square root: Primary definition (formula …</dc:title> <dc:subject>Sqrt</dc:subject> <dc:subject>square root</dc:subject> … <dc:description>Primary definition (2 formulas)</dc:description> <dc:description><math … </math></dc:description> <dc:date>2001-10-29</dc:date> <dc:publisher>Wolfram Research, Inc.</dc:publisher> <dc:type>Text</dc:type> <dc:format>text/html; charset=iso-8859-1</dc:format> <dc:identifier>http://functions.wolfram.com…/Sqrt/02/0001/</dc:identifier> <dc:identifier>http://functions.wolfram…/</dc:identifier> <dc:language>en</dc:language> <dc:rights>© 2002 Wolfram Research, Inc.</dc:rights> </oai_dc:dc>
The NSDL metadata repository Core Integration Project – Cornell, Columbia, DLESE. The metadata repository is a resource for service providers. It holds information about every collection and item known to the NSDL. Services Users Metadata repository From “The NSDL Metadata Strategy,” A presentation by William Y. Arms and Diane I. Hillman. Available: http://nsdl.comm.nsdlib.org/allprojects01/metastrategy.ppt Collections
Working Assumptions The WWW is the primary medium (for now) Content is a mix of “born digital” and analog There is no lack of “great piles of ‘stuff’ ” There is a need for “piles of great ‘stuff’ ” The “unit” of content can and will shrink Users will increasingly be creators, and vice versa While much of the use will be “free”, there is a need to explore multiple models of sustainability Experimental nature of distributed digital library building - “one library, many portals” Increasingly, analog content is produced digitally (though still distributed in analog form). Relative mix of content will shift towards more “born digital”. Java applets are an example of content with small granularity, but potentially very high reusability. (Granularity inversely proportional to reusability.) Implication of decreasing granularity is that more users can become creators: reusing, repurposing content. Also providing commentary on content will also be a contribution. “Free” as in valued as a “public good” and hence supported publicly.
Related Links http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ http://functions.wolfram.com/ OAI Resources in Science & Engineering