His bloody life in my bloody hands PTSD
Big Question How does Armitage present ideas about conflict and trauma?
Literacy Task The speaker reccounts how he and ‘somebody else and some body else’ openned fire on a looter who may or may not Have been armed. They shot him dead and one of them put the mans ‘guts back into his body’ before hes carted away. Source: BBC website
Literacy Task The speaker recounts how he and ‘somebody else and somebody else’ opened fire on a looter who may or may not have been armed. They shot him dead and one of them put the man’s ‘guts back into his body’ before he’s carted away. Source: BBC website
Conflict Doubt Trauma Warzone Decision Regret Danger Memory Nightmare Uncertainty Suffering
Big Question How does Armitage present ideas about conflict and trauma?
Big Question How does Armitage present ideas about conflict and trauma? Tone Metaphor Irony Enjambment Armitage chooses to use a strikingly colloquial, conversational voice in the poem; this has the effect of emphasising the speaker’s identity as a British soldier…