POLI 213 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Lecturer: Dr. Emmanuel Debrah, Contact Information: edebrah@ug.edu.gh
Understanding Public Administration (part 1) Session One
Session Overview The meaning of public administration is not a straight forward thing. But to help you to know what public administration is and what it is not, the two terms ‘public’ and ‘administration’ must be explained. The scope of public administration, which will be discussed, delineates the fundamental components of the discipline, which adds to your understanding of the nature of public administration.
Session Outline The key topics to be covered in the session are as follows: Topic One: Definition of Administration Topic Two : Definition of Public Administration Topic Three: Scope of Public Administration Topic Four: Importance of Studying Public Administration
Definition of Administration Explaining the term “Public” First, public refers to the generality of the people. Second, it means all activities undertaken by the state or done on its behalf. Third, it means all activities that are financed from taxes paid by citizens.
The meaning of Administration The word, ‘administration’ comes from two Latin words, namely, ‘ad’ and ‘ministrare’ which means to serve, direct, control or manage affairs. E. N. Gladden said that administration means ‘to care for or look after people, to manage affairs’ Herbert Simon says, administration involves human actions directed towards some agreed upon goals.
The Meaning of Administration According to Simon, when two men cooperate to roll a stone that neither could have moved alone, the rudiments of administration have appeared. This definition means administration involves people (two men), action (rolling a stone) and cooperation.
Defining Public Administration Public administration refers to all activities of groups and individuals aimed towards directing, organizing and coordinating affairs to achieve common goals of government It is the action part of government, the means by which the purposes and goals of government are realized. The machinery and processes including the organization of men and women for managing the affairs of government
Traditional View of Public Administration In the past, public administration was understood to mean the activities of government. the executive branch of government became the focus of public administration . Herbert Simon says administration covers ‘the activities of the branches of national, state and local governments’ Because the executive organ is the means by which the purpose of government is accomplished.
Traditional View of Public Administration Other scholars regard public administration as the carrying out of the activities of government. Woodrow Wilson said, it is the detailed and systematic execution of public law. Nigro and Nigro noted that it is the essential activities associated with carrying out Legislative Acts and judicial orders.
Modern view of Public Administration the traditional view is a narrow observation of the constituents of public administration. It was held at a time when the role of the state or government was conceived as the maintenance of law and order, and protection of citizens’ liberties. The modern view is that public administration also involves the processes of formulating/making policies of government.
Importance of Studying Public Administration Topic four
Importance of Studying Public Administration You learn the basic principles and concepts of administration. know the purpose and functions of government. understand the operation of public organizations and how they affect your life as a citizen. shapes your understanding of the government and its relations with the rest of society. learn how to promote the public interest. prepares you for future employment.
Sample Question Outline and discuss the salient components of public administration. To what extent have you been convinced by studying public administration at the university of Ghana.
reference Stillman, R. (2004). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases 8 edition. Wadsworth Publishing New York.