Weight Management For the Older Adult Graphic
Paying the Price Research indicates that the amount of food people consume is based on how much is placed in front of them. In today’s society, large portions for low prices come across as a bargain. Most end up paying the price for these large portions down the road as the waistline expands and the number on the scale increases!
Portion Distortion It is time to take a look at the difference between a portion size and a serving size. For example, steaks are commonly served at restaurants in 8-12 ounce portions, but the actual recommended serving size is only 5 ounces! 5 oz 12 oz See the difference!
During Meals When dining out… At home… ask the waiter to put half of your entree in a carry out container before bringing the dish to the table. split an entrée with a friend. At home… serve reasonable portions on individual plates. avoid putting serving dishes on the table. keep excess foods out of reach to prevent inadvertent overeating.
While Snacking While watching television… Between meals… put a reasonable amount of food into a bowl or container. leave the rest of the package in the kitchen. Between meals… eat a snack, such as a piece of fruit or a small salad to prevent overeating at meals.
Older Adults For the older adult, weight management can be a double edged sword. First, caloric needs gradually decrease, and typically so do physical activity levels. Secondly, it can become more difficult to lose excess weight. Speak with your health/fitness instructor for diet and exercise recommendations!
Tips for Older Adults Exercise Diet Remain as physically active as possible in your daily routine, i.e. cleaning, taking stairs. Perform cardiovascular and strength training exercises as advised by your health/fitness instructor. Diet Monitor portion sizes and use the provided tips to prevent overeating. Eat a diet high in fiber, calcium, and adequate in protein, and drink plenty of fluids!
Healthy Body Composition Body composition is an assessment of your lean body mass to your fat mass. As we age, the desired lean body mass tends to decrease and fat mass tends to increase. Cardiovascular exercise and strength training are key to maintaining a healthy body composition!