Infrastructure Service Discovery November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Infrastructure Service Discovery Date: 2011-11-08 Authors: Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Presentation for WNG SC November 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Abstract Presentation for WNG SC November 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Background 11ai How to discover ESS services when your not connected November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Background How to discover ESS services when your not connected 11u Defined several features that enable a better relationship between the STA and the network behind the AP Network Discovery (ANQP messages transported over GAS) QoS Mapping (11e <-> network) Multiple service provider subscriptions Emergency services 11ai Defining a solution to provide Fast link Set Up Looking at optimisations of message exchanges (e.g. GAS & ANQP) Enables efficient information transfer prior to association (e.g. IP address assignment) Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Background Current market needs Enhanced user experience November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Background Current market needs Enhanced user experience Network service discovery pre-association Use case: does this network support: A 3D color printer? Low resolution, free, sports highlights video? Can the network support rich information queries Smart server Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Proposal IEEE 802.11 should evolve; improving the user experience is a valid goal. Extend the 11u discovery mechanisms even further into the ESS Nothing in IEEE 802.11 PAR to prevent this “Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to provide wireless connectivity for fixed, portable, and moving stations within a local area. “ Nothing in IEEE 802 rules to prevent this What sort of thing am I looking for? A new study group, perhaps “Discovery of ESS services” Further extension of MAC frames 11u+ (??) Some TGai aspects may help Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 More detail Extend 11u network discovery mechanisms (e.g. GAS and ANQP) to enable discovery of information within the ESS: Operates in a pre-associated and associated state Information beyond the hotspot and local servers Request/Response mechanism STA in a pre-associated state Richer request/response version of ANQP (not necessarily ANQP) Provides a simple container to carry higher layer protocols (e.g. uPnP, Bonjour) Other items (wish list) Possibly provide response data integrity with signed requests Extend neighbor report for APs in different regulatory classes Possibly encapsulate a 3GPP protocol Emergency services Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Straw Poll Should IEEE 802.11 consider the creation of a study group to further discuss the topic of “discovery of ESS services”? Yes 53 No 1 Need more information 30 Abstain/Don’t care 4 Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Motion to create a Study Group November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Motion to create a Study Group Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to consider the discovery of services between STAs and the access network [as described in doc 11-11-1507r2] with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Stephen McCann Second: <name> Result: y-n-a Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Motion to create a Study Group November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Motion to create a Study Group Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to consider the discovery of services between STAs and the access network [as described in doc 11-11-1507r2 and 11-11-1517r0] with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Stephen McCann Second: <name> Result: y-n-a Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Summary Extend 11u network discovery mechanisms (e.g. GAS and ANQP) to enable transport for service discovery within the infrastructure (DS): Operates in a pre-associated and associated state Information beyond the hotspot and local servers Request/Response mechanism STA in a pre-associated state Richer request/response version of ANQP (not necessarily called ANQP) Provides a simple container to carry higher layer protocols (e.g. uPnP, Bonjour) Other items to consider Provide response data integrity with signed requests Emergency services Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Progress this week WNG presentation 11-11-1507r2 (Tuesday evening) November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Progress this week WNG presentation 11-11-1507r2 (Tuesday evening) Straw Poll: Should IEEE 802.11 consider the creation of a study group to further discuss the topic of “discovery of ESS services”? Result: Yes 53; No 1; Need more information: 30; Abstain/Don’t care 4 Motion: Request the 802.11 WG to request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to consider the discovery of services within the 802.11 access network with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Stephen McCann (RIM) Result: Yes: 32; No 12; Abstain 40; -- Motion fails Conversation with No voters Confusion about “P2P service discovery presentation” and this “discovery of ESS services” This proposal does not include any P2P aspects and now considers the discovery of services within the IEEE 802.11 network. Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
Motion to create a Study Group November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1507r3 November 2011 Motion to create a Study Group Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to consider Infrastructure Service Discovery with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Stephen McCann Second: <name> Result: y-n-a Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM