A Mobile Agent Architecture for Heterogeneous Devices Presented by: Chuong Hoang CS Software Architect and Design The University of Texas at Dallas
Overview Mobile device such as PDA, Cell phone capability are limited because of: Limited memory and slow processor Limited network connection and band-width Limited battery life Small screen size Challenge: How to empower mobile devices
Overview (conts) Solution: Mobile Agent Technology Mobile Agent is running on another powerful computer All heavy computations are executed on Mobile Agent All data transferring is done by Mobile Agent Only the results are sent back to the Mobile device to display
Agent Initiator Simple Java program that must be installed on the mobile device before installing the agent client To report the mobile device capability: CPU speed, memory, storage, Java Virtual machine edition and version Information is described in XML
Middleware architecture for Mobile System The Agent Jointer/Splitter To support device which can not run Mobile Agent locally (thin client) Done by separating states (data) and code of Agent Thin Agent Client only receives data of the Agents while code resides on Agent server When state of the Agent is transmitted from the mobile device to the agent server, code and state are jointed.
Issues Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) is used to implement the thin agent in prototype. However, because of the limited memory and processing power, several features from standard Java edition is not supported such as floating point calculation, object serialization, object finalization, reflection, user- defined class loaders, etc. Thin Agent has problem with advanced user interactions since code run on server Thin Agent GUI limit the look-and -feel
Future Work Explore a more general architecture that allows a variety of agent clients tailored for different kinds of clients and by the user
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Reference: Alf Inge Wang, Carl-Fredrik, Eva Indal: A Mobile Agent Architecture for Heterogeneous Devices. Bergenti, Federico, Poggi, and Agostino: LEAP: A FIPA Platform for Handheld and Mobile Devices. Sun Microsystems. Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE)