CAUSE & EFFECT CHART Air pollution in Mexico City: Breathing problems, lung disease, drivers leave cars at home and take public transportation, factories shutdown Destruction of the rainforest in Brazil (deforestation): Native people lose homes, less oxygen, loss of plants for meds to fight diseases
Oil pollution in Venezuela: Fisherman can’t earn a living, Lake Maracaibo polluted, breathing problems from carbon dioxide, global-warming Acid rain and pollution of the Great Lakes: Comes from the U.S., fishing unsafe, algal blooms
Extraction of natural resources on the Canadian Shield: Pollution from mining, pollutes the waterways, produces sulfur dioxide killing vegetation and lake animals, chemicals from mine dumped into rivers and streams which kills animals and plant life
Depletion of timber resources in Canada: Clear-cutting reduces water quality, erosion, habitat loss, heavy machinery compacts the floor and new plants can not grow Acid rain in Germany: Building & statues eroded, diseased forests (damaged soil trees), pollutes the Danube & Rhine rivers and kills wildlife
Air pollution in United Kingdom: Burns lungs, nose, & eyes, endangers human life, blackens buildings, threatens wildlife, must keep children & senior citizens indoors, affects other western European countries