Fresh Water
Streams & Rivers Runoff from precipitation forms streams, which flow together to form rivers. Rivers wear away landforms through erosion and build new ones through deposition.
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Stream or River?
Ponds and Lakes Ponds and lakes are bodies of standing water that form when fresh water collects in depressions in the land. Lake turnover is a seasonal mixing that refreshes the nutrient supply in the lake.
Complete the Venn Diagram Smaller and shallower Standing Water Larger and deeper
Pond or Lake?
Wetland Environments Wetlands provide nesting and feeding areas for birds and other wildlife. Wetlands also filter water and help control floods.
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What Type of Wetland?
Glaciers and Icebergs Glaciers form when layers of snow pile up. Icebergs form when the edges of glaciers reach the ocean and break off.
Complete the Concept Map
What Type of Glacier?