RCS Middle School Science PLC Conference Science July 18/19, 2017 Welcome Colleagues Daily Schedule 8:30 to 11:30-Conference activities 11:30 to 12:30-Lunch break 12:30 to 3:30-Conference activities 6 hours each day-total of 12 hours Partial credit permissible Earn one in-service hour for each hour present
Science Middle School PLC Conference Purpose To provide a forum for middle school science teachers to share their best practices and to discuss pertinent issues about their grade level and subject specific tasks. Focus: five key tasks: 1) Aligning How we align our lessons with the TN standards. 2) Teaching How we teach our lessons about these TN standards. 3) Assessing How we assess what we have taught. 4) Analyzing results How we analyze the results of what we have taught. 5) Remediating/Enriching How we conduct remediation and/or enrichment.
General Information Restrooms Science Middle School PLC Conference Restrooms Feel free to get up and use the restrooms as needed Cell Phones Please mute your cell phones If you have to take a call, please step out of the room Sign-In Rosters remember to sign each day during the break-out sessions If registered in School Stations, name is on the roster If not registered, just print and sign on the last page If unable to stay for the entire day, write hours present Locations 6th Grade: Room 607 7th Grade: Room ??? 8th Grade: Room 806 General Information
(started by teachers, maintained by teachers, for teachers) Science Middle School PLC Conference Event History This is our 7th year holding this conference (started by teachers, maintained by teachers, for teachers) 2011- 1st year, location: Whitworth-Buchanan (3 present) 2012- 2nd year, location: RSM (13 present) 2013- 3rd year, location RSM (14 present) 2014- 4th year, location: RCS Central Office (13 present) 2015- 5th year, RCS Central Office (about 40 present) 2016- 6th year, location: SCM (about 50 present) 2017- 7th year, location: SCM (52 registered to attend)
(From DuFour and Marzano) (From DuFour and Marzano) Science Middle School PLC Conference Three PLC “Big Ideas” (From DuFour and Marzano) Big Idea 01: Our purpose is to ensure that all students learn at high levels Big Idea 02: We can and should work collaboratively Big Idea 03: We can and should be resulted oriented Collect evidence (data) and respond to it (remediation/intervention) 4 Key Questions: (From DuFour and Marzano) a) What is it we want our students to know? b) How will we know if our students are learning? c) How will we respond when students do not learn? d) How will we enrich and extend learning?