Date: Dec 16, 2014 Page: Table of Contents p. 1. W. O. D: Last 5 pages Date: Dec 16, 2014 Page: Table of Contents p. 1 W.O.D: Last 5 pages Warm-ups: Front Cover W.O.D. Initial – first, starting, primary. Question: What is the initial velocity of a car at a red light, heading north on Lyndale?
Today’s plan Warm- up Breathe Speed practice problems Distance/Time graphing - together Finish questions from “Read about Speed” Physical Science text book. p. 118-123 Start Domino Derby Reflect
Table of Contents p. 1 Rube Goldberg Machine Drawing p. 2 SI units/Webquest p. 3 Metric Lab p. 4 Text reading on Speed p. 5 Metric Ladder p. 6 Metric Ladder questions p. 7 Speed notes/d/t Graph p. 8
Practice problems What is the speed of a basketball that travels 50 meters in 2.5 seconds? 2. Which is faster, a kid rolling down a hill at 3 meters in 6 seconds, or a frog hopping 5 meters in 2 seconds? 3. You need to be to your friends at 5:00pm, and they live 4000 meters away. If you travel at 10 m/s, when do you need to leave?
Speed Reading SNB p. 5 Complete reading in Physical Science text book. p. 118-123 Do reading checks as you read (label as reading check #1, reading check #2, etc). Complete questions 1-7 from page 123 Extend: Go to p. 142-143. Do ?’s 6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19,
Domino Derby Set up 25 equally spaced dominoes in a straight line. Use a meter stick to measure the total length of the row of dominoes, and record the length. Use a stopwatch to measure how long it takes the dominoes to fall. Predict what would happen if the distance between the dominoes changed. Test your prediction.
Graphing your Speed Lab Include a title, X & Y axis labels, and units of measurement Choose 3 colors to represent your 3 different trials Create a key for the 3 colors 20 km in 1:16:43
Reflection (back-side of warm-up sheet) Estimate the average speed of a city bus you take regularly.