NAVIGATION TAKE-HOME ASSIGNMENT While looking through the Go Guide, you see the following trip listed: July 27th, Sat – Washington Park to Saddlebag Island. SKII+. 13nm. We will meet at Washington Park boat launch at 9:00am for an 10:00am launch time. We will be paddling from the boat launch to Saddlebag Island stopping either at the Guemes Island ferry dock on Guemes Island or the mainland side. We will eat lunch on Saddlebag Island and explore some before heading back to Washington Park. Wet or Dry suits are required. Using the information learned in the tides and currents session, and the chart provided, look at the proposed trip route. Identify the location of each current station listed below on the chart you were given For each current station determine the current directions and note on the chart Note any hazards on the chart What current conditions are you looking for on the way out? On the way back? What are the tides doing during this trip? Determine what conditions you may encounter that will either challenge you or prevent you from going on this trip. Consider different weather conditions and/or tides and current conditions that may affect your decision. Look for hazards, obstacles, or cautionary situations to be aware of on this paddle. Look for alternate stopping points or rest stops. Why do you think this is classified as a SKII+? Hint: Tide Stations: Ship Harbor, Fidalgo Island and Anacortes, Guemes Channel Current Stations: Green Point, 0.8 mi northwest of, Guemes Channel W, Guemes Channel E, Saddle bag Island Passage.
Tide: Ship Harbor, Fidalgo Island July 27, 2019
Tide: Anacortes, Guemes Channel July 27, 2019
Current: Green Point July 27, 2019
Current: Guemes Channel, West Entr July 27, 2019
Current: Guemes Channel, East Entr July 27, 2019