(a) Showing a female chlamydia postal kit which contains: a client details form; National Chlamydia Screening Programme leaflet; instruction leaflet for taking a vaginal swab; vaginal swab collection tube and pipette; Aptima® specimen tube; and a pre-paid, pre-addressed, return box. (a) Showing a female chlamydia postal kit which contains: a client details form; National Chlamydia Screening Programme leaflet; instruction leaflet for taking a vaginal swab; vaginal swab collection tube and pipette; Aptima® specimen tube; and a pre-paid, pre-addressed, return box. (b) Showing a male chlamydia postal which contains: a client details form; National Chlamydia Screening Programme leaflet; instruction leaflet for collecting and processing a urine specimen; urine collection tube and pipette; Aptima specimen tube; and a pre-paid, preaddressed, return box. Jessica Loaring et al. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2013;39:21-28 Copyright © by the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. All rights reserved.