Module D: Lesson 3 Grade 12 Active, Active Healthy Lifestyles Leadership Skills Module D: Lesson 3 Grade 12 Active, Active Healthy Lifestyles Introduction All societies in the world are governed by a set of rules that have been decided upon by the society as a whole, their elected representatives, or the rulers of that society. These rules, known as the laws of the land, are necessary so that anarchy does not take hold. In many instances, sport serves as a microcosm of society. It is necessary to have guidelines, rules, or regulations of the way a sport is to be played. These rules are pliable but become less flexible as sport moves from recreational physical activity to formal structures, such as sports leagues. It is essential that all teams involved at similar levels play by the same set of regulations. Even at the elite or professional level, however, opportunities must be available to change the rules of sport, whether by popular demand, for safety reasons, or for spectator and participant appeal. The rules of sport, like the rules of society, are meant to satisfy the needs of the participants and spectators, and must be seen to be fair, equitable, and judicious; that is, they must include a set of consequences/penalties for a hierarchy of transgressions or deviant behaviour. Reference For information on this topic, refer to the following website: Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES). <>. For website updates, please visit Websites to Support the Grades 11 and 12 Curriculum at <>. Specific Learning Outcome 11.SI.3 Analyze sporting behaviours that may be positive and/or negative. Key Understandings All athletes have the potential to be perceived as role models. Character can be enhanced through systematic teaching and demonstration of fair play and good sporting behaviour. Sport participants behave in positive and negative ways. Essential Questions How does sport build or reveal the positive or negative character of an individual? How is character “learned”? How do athletes serve as role models for young sport competitors? What is the difference between sporting behaviour and deviant behaviour in sport?
What is leadership? Leadership is any behavior that influences the actions and attitudes of others to achieve certain results. Leadership itself is neither good or bad Many examples in history of good (eg. Moral, Nobel, Virtuous) and bad (eg. Corrupt, Immoral) leaders.
Categories of Leaders 1. Qualified- earn certification Eg. Teacher, Lifeguard 2. Merited- performance over time Eg. Captain of team 3. Captured- elected or campaigning Eg. Mayor 4. Identified- possess certain qualities Eg. Manager 5. Defaulted- others unwilling
Leadership Skills/Abilities Qualities/Characteristics Communicate well Assume responsiblility Take initiative Accertive Competent Cooperative Courageous Dependable Optimistic Self-confidence Persistant Energetic Resilient Skills/Abilities Communicate well Listen openly to others Resolve conflict Creative Clever Broad-minded Motivational Organized Socially skilled Fair-minded Well-spoken
Activity Complete RM 2-PS Leadership Questionnaire
Assess Leadership Questionnaire Place a check beside numbers 1,4,6,11,14,16,18,19,21,22,23,25,29,30,31,33,34 & 35 (if answered frequently or always) Place an asterisk (*) beside numbers 2,3,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,17,20,24,26,27,28&32
Are you a leader? The more checks and asterisks you have indicates that you are a leader! What type of leader are you?
What type of leader are you? Several checks indicate an authoritarian style of leadership– like things done their way Several asterisks indicate a democratic style of leadership– more willing to compromise
RM 3- PS Survival Game Human Survival Answer all 12 questions individually In groups, compare your answers and reach a conclusion about the best answers. Please don’t change your individual answer. **Review the answer key based on the results of survival experts