Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Science & Technology 30 August 2006
Introduction Legislative programme – NRDS & Strategic Management Model Forthcoming Legislation
Forthcoming Legislation South African Academy of Engineering Consultations with DPW – awaiting response AGAP in consultation with stakeholders Challenges IPR – Stakeholders consultation HSRC Bill S&T Amendment Bill
Human Sciences Research Council Act, 1968 (Act no. 23 of 1968) Need to introduce new HSRC Bill Alignment with constitutional values, national priorities & strategies Outdated and in conflict with other pieces of legislation, e.g. PFMA HSRC institutional review-encapsulate the 5 public purposes Considerations on HSRC mandate-strategic re-orientation
Human Sciences Research Council Act, 1968 (Act no. 23 of 1968) Reference to Minister of S &T; use of CEO instead of President; use of Board rather than Council Provision for appointment of an international (Africa) social science researcher on the Board Empower Minister to remove a Board member after consultation with the Board Empower Minister to dissolve the Board Completion of Shareholder compact despite this being a 3A entity
Human Sciences Research Council Act, 1968 (Act no. 23 of 1968) Audit Committee – assist with financial affairs Governance Committee introduced – monitor & evaluate Board performance CEO appointed for a period of five years Mobility of persons within the system Intellectual Property Rights for PFR
Why an S&T Amendment Bill? Splitting of DACST Review of Acts administered by DST Harmonise legislation to be aligned to more recent legislation e.g., PFMA Transfer of CSIR from the dti to the DST NRF Act; AISA Act; ASSAf Act; SACNASP Act
National Research Foundation Act, 1988 (Act no.23 of 1988) Amend functions due to acquisition of SAASTA & NZG as national facilities Shareholder compacts for public entities (3A) Introduction of Governance Committee – Board performance Audit Committee – financial affairs of NRF Before finalising Board – Minister to consult with Minister of Education Increased meetings for the Board to 4 instead of 3 Provision for Chairperson to meet Minister at least 2 times a year
National Research Foundation Act, 1988 (Act no.23 of 1988) CEO – performance agreement; CEO – provision for appointment for second term Section 12 – prescribes divisions of the NRF IPR-cater for indigenous knowledge & benefit sharing Transitional provisions not relevant Terminology e.g., CEO being used instead of President; reference to Minister of S&T
Africa Institute of South Africa Act, 2001(Act no 68 of 2001) Objectives amended to include research as a function Shareholder compact Consultation with Minister on CEO appointment CEO to enter into performance agreement 4 meetings per year instead of 3 Governance & Audit Committee Provision for appointment of external candidate to act as CEO
Africa Institute of South Africa Act, 2001(Act no 68 of 2001) Transfer or secondment of officials from DST to AISA & vice versa IPR clause amended Section 19 dealing with deregistration of company known as AISA not relevant anymore Terminology: Council to Board; reference to Minister of S &T
Academy of Science of South Africa Act, 2001(Act no.67 of 2001) “Member” of the academy & “member” of Council/Committees defined Membership subject to payment of annual subscription Provision for disciplinary measures Provision for funding from Parliament Tabling of financial statements Transitional provisions repealed
SACNASP Act, 2003 (Act no. 27 of 2003) Minister of DST is responsible Minister State nominations do not need to be registered Acknowledgement of areas of application i.e., Pharmacy Act; Health professions Act; Veterinary & Para-Veterinary Professions Act; Dental Technicians Act
CSIR Act, 1988(Act no. 46 of 1988) Section 2A inserted to prohibit use of CSIR name National Metrology Laboratory –administration of dti-functions repealed Removal of powers to transact with foreign governments Limit powers of CSIR to conduct research outside the Republic
CSIR Act, 1988(Act no. 46 of 1988) Shareholder compact – 3B institution Executive Management Board (Committee) Governance & Audit Committee Use of CEO as opposed to President CEO to enter into performance agreement CSIR to act as a guarantor to employees when immovable property is bought-repealed Buy & rent buildings for residential purposes by employees-repealed IPR Application of Act to South West Africa-repealed #89578