Lesson Objective: To learn what is conflict in literature
Definition: the opposition of persons or forces that gives rise to the dramatic action in a drama or fiction
Group Assignment For each of your topics come up with a modern, pop-culture example and an example from the novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Create a Chart Similar to the one on the bottom of page 211
Group Assignment For each of your topics come up with a modern, pop-culture example and an example from the novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Create a Chart Similar to the one on the bottom of page 211 in textbook but revise chart for this assignment (See Board) (See Next Slide More Instructions)
Group Assignment The Chart should illustrate: The Conflict or type of conflict Who are the people or characters involved How is the Conflict Resolved? Illustrate on board
Group Assignment Example: First Box: Kim Davis Would not issue marriage licenses to Gay Couples Second Box Kim Davis and a federal judge ordering her to issue the licenses. She expresses to judge it violates her religious liberty Third Box Judge orders her to jail
Group Assignment Groups of 4: Must be Gender Equal: 2 Female, 2 Male
Independent Assignment One Minute Essay: Discuss a major conflict from novel, To Kill a Mockingbird Or discuss an internal conflict of one of the characters in the novel
Homework Read, “The Most Dangers Game,” page 215-236