Week of March 5 Study for Quiz Vocabulary Week of March 5 Study for Quiz
Renounce give up claim: to give up formally a claim, title, position, or right reject belief: to reject or disavow a belief or theory stop doing something: to give up a habit, pursuit, or practice
Truculent fierce; cruel; savagely brutal brutally harsh; vitriolic; scathing: his truculent criticism of her work aggressively hostile; belligerent
Nefarious evil: utterly immoral or wicked
Complacency A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy.
Vehemence Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction fervid: a vehement denial
Innocuous unlikely to offend: not intended to cause offense or provoke a strong reaction and unlikely to do so harmless: harmless in effect
Obsequious submissive: excessively eager to please or obey fawning annoying teacher’s pet
Malevolence ill will ; malice; hatred
Alacrity eager readiness
Canonical relating to, or forming a canon – what a lousy definition conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure : orthodox of or relating to a clergyman
Berate scold: to scold somebody vigorously and at length
Incontrovertible certain, undeniable, and not open to question
Polarize cause division of opinion: to make the differences between groups or ideas ever more clear-cut and extreme, hardening the opposition between them, or become ever more clear-cut and extreme in this way
Axioms a self-evident truth that requires no proof a universally accepted principle or rule a proposition that is assumed without proof
Unbridled freely and openly expressed
Predicated to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert
Opaque not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light
Circuitous lengthy because very indirect
Affable easygoing: good-natured, friendly, and easy to talk to
Ardent having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling Passionate fervent: an ardent vow; ardent love
Vaunted boasted about or praised in an ostentatious way
Beguiled charm somebody: to win and hold somebody's attention, interest, or devotion deceive somebody: to mislead or deceive somebody cheat somebody: to rob somebody of something, or cheat somebody out of something
Enervated weakened or exhausted physically, mentally, or morally
Castigated to criticize or reprimand severely to punish in order to correct
Exonerated to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame
Filial of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter: filial obedience noting or having the relation of a child to a parent
Tacit implied but not expressed: understood or implied without being stated openly
Prescient knowing in advance: having or showing knowledge of actions or events before they take place