Chapter 23 Section 4 The Legacy of WWI
Costs of WWI
Wounded……. 20 million soldiers wounded in battle Example: France 7 out of 10 healthy young men were killed or wounded in WWI United States 200,000 wounded
Economic Costs of the War Allies $145 billion Central Powers $63 billion Many European countries went into debt to pay for the war
Flu Epidemic Killed Approximately 30 million people Worldwide 800,000 U.S. Citizens died from the flu between 1918-1919
League of Nations International organization that was proposed after WWI It was set up as a way for nations to settle conflicts through negotiation. President Wilson favored the U.S. joining it Others (particularly Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge) argued against joining the League
Wilson’s 14 Points Woodrow Wilson called for… Smaller military forces worldwide End of secret treaties Freedom of the seas/free trade Breaking up of empires Self-determination
Treaty of Versailles Germany gets PUNISHED Germany had to… Accept full blame for the war Stripped of all colonies Their army and navy nearly completely taken away Have to pay $33 billion in reparations Divided up Austria Hungary and Ottoman Empire