12th Grade English Literature Vocabulary Week 1
maladroit Example: A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve.
maladroit Unskillful, awkward Synonyms: blundering, inept, tactless, ungraceful
pungent Example: Fish has a rather pungent odor.
Pungent Sharp or strong in smell or taste Synonyms: spicy, zesty
sentinel Example: The sentinel’s senses were heightened after the most recent attack.
sentinel a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching Synonyms: sentry, guard, watch, lookout
dastardly Example: The dastardly villain is destroying our town.
dastardly cowardly; meanly base; sneaking Synonyms: despicable, foul, mean, rotten, vile
Fait accompli Example: The enemy’s defeat was fait accompli long before the final surrender.
Fait accompli An accomplished and presumably irreversible deed, fact or action Synonyms: determined, completed, inevitable
onus Example: The onus of presenting the tough case was on the defense attorney.
onus a difficult or disagreeable obligation, task, burden, etc. Synonyms: weight, duty, load
zenith Example: The sun reaches its zenith at midday.
zenith a highest point or state; culmination Synonyms: crest, peak, summit, pinnacle
transient (transitory) Example: There are many transient guests at a hotel.
transient lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary Synonyms: fleeting, flighty, migratory, short-lived
florid Example: The girl’s face appeared florid after running a mile.
florid Red, ruddy Synonyms: flushed, glowing, rosy
afflict Example: The criminal’s plan was to afflict emotional anguish on the store owner.
afflict To distress with mental or bodily pain To trouble greatly or grievously Synonyms: torment, plague