Multiple dependency activity on node (AoN) networks (lecture)
Four possible dependencies between activities Finish-to-start (or normal) dependency Start-to-start dependency Finish-to-finish dependency Start-to-finish dependency
Finish-to-start (or normal) dependency a 3 b 7 9 2 4
Start-to-start (or lag-start) dependency 4 x 3 y 4 6 2 Example: the air-conditioning should be started in a building a given time before visitors are let inside
Finish-to-finish (lag-finish) dependency 4 c 3 d 5 7 2 Example: c: a band playing at a concert d: providing security service at the concert
Start-to-finish dependency 4 b 1 6 ? 4 c 2 4 3 5 Example: a: production b: quality check
Dependencies can be used in combination Start-to-start & finish-to-finish: 5 ? ? a 3 ? b 5 9 ? 7 2 6 Example: a: marketing action b: measuring the effect of the action lags: the effect needs time to appear, and to fade out
Floats on multiple dependency networks Total float = LFT – EST – Duration Early total float = LFT – EFT Late total float = LST – EST In case of multiple dependence free float cannot be calculated
Solution 5 a 3 b 5 9 2 7 6
Calculations with finish-to-start lags b 3 3 f 3 1 a 3 c 3 e 3 h 3 2 4 5 g 3 d 3 1 2
Calculations with finish-to-start lags 6 a 3 b 6 9 12 15 c 7 10 f 20 23 d 4 13 e 18 g 21 24 h 27 5 1 2 3 6
Various dependencies Dangler activities! b f a c e h g d 3 5 1 2 4 5 2 1 c 3 e 4 h 3 2 4 5 g 5 2 2 d 4 1
Various dependencies b f a c e h g d 3 5 1 2 4 5 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 3 5 4 4 6 13 14 19 2 3 f 9 19 10 20 1 5 1 a 1 c 5 8 3 e 13 17 4 h 20 24 1 21 3 2 4 5 g 17 22 5 2 2 d 2 5 16 18 22 4 1
Practicing b 3 d 2 1 4 a 4 2 e 4 5 c 7 3
Practicing b 4 7 9 13 16 3 d 8 10 9 17 19 2 1 4 a 4 2 e 19 23 4 5 c 9 16 7 3
Reading Textbook chapter 15
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