Edward J. Bartle, M. D. , William H. Pearce, M. D. , John H. Sun, M. D


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Presentation transcript:

Infrarenal venous anomalies and aortic surgery: Avoiding vascular injury  Edward J. Bartle, M.D., William H. Pearce, M.D., John H. Sun, M.D., Robert B. Rutherford, M.D.  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 590-593 (December 1987) DOI: 10.1016/0741-5214(87)90276-X Copyright © 1987 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 A, 4 mm embryo (4 to 5 weeks). B, 10 mm embryo (5 to 6 weeks). Persistence of the lower left subcardinal vein leads to bilateral inferior vena cava; persistence of the left subcardinal and regression of the right subcardinal veins lead to left-sided inferior vena cava. C, 15 mm embryo (6 to 7 weeks). Persistence of the anastomotic segment leads to renal collar; persistence of the left dorsal renal vein with regression of other elements leads to retroaortic left renal vein. D, 18 to 20 mm embryo (8 weeks). Normal adult anatomy. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1987 6, 590-593DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(87)90276-X) Copyright © 1987 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 CT scan of a patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm and a retroaortic left renal vein (arrows). Journal of Vascular Surgery 1987 6, 590-593DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(87)90276-X) Copyright © 1987 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions