Guide to Catalyst Showcase Template This template has a default font and color scheme. You can change the font and colors to match your organizations template by going to View Slide Master. Find color and font under the “Background” section. You must keep the slides in a 4:3 format (no widescreen). This template is a guide. Please adapt to meet your needs! You should, however, address the following points in your 5-7 minute presentation: Describe the desired future. Show why this vision isn’t currently possible. Share what you learned from your research. Describe three or four parts of your solution. Articulate the benefits of successfully implementing your project. Present the negative consequences of not pursuing your project. Ask for specific support. There are guiding notes in the notes sections of most slides. Add photos and videos from your work to make your presentation pop. Keep text to a minimum. Make no more than three points on each slide. Center for Care Innovations © 2019
[Catalyst Project Title] Organization Logo [Catalyst Project Title] [Organization Name] [Team Member Names] June 27, 2019 Insert logo and team info.
[Our Desired Future / Tell a User Story] Describe your vision for the desired future. The opposite of the user’s pain is the desired story. Include a visual of the Problem: A photo, video, quote, or other data from your research that illustrates the problem
[Why It’s Not Happening Now] No more than three points Describe your vision for the desired future + why it’s not currently possible The opposite of the user’s pain is the desired story.
[How We Explored the Problem] [Research activity example] [Research activity example] Share what you learned from your research. BRIEFLY show some of the methods you used. DO NOT spend time on this slide, just to give the audience a sense for the design methods you used.
[Key Insights about Our Current State] Insert your insights hierarchy framework from your Phase 2 research. What were they key sub-themes and over-arching themes?
“ End user quote articulating a key need/pain point in the current state. Insert a quote from your insights hierarchy that really hits home the pain points.
[How might we…] Insert the HMW statement you generated ideas from.
[Ideas Prototyped and Tested] Show examples of what you tried before finalizing your solution.
A Promising Solution Direction: [Solution Name] Which solution/solution set are you recommending, given what you learned from your prototyping and feedback with users?
[Solution Name] Explain solution direction in a few words. Add a photo of a prototype so they know what it would look/feel like. No more than three points
Photo of your solution in action.
“ End user feedback on the solution. Why do they like this way better? Quote: End user feedback on the solution. Why do they like this way better?
[The Benefits/Value of Our Solution] No more than three points How will your solution meet your users/stakeholders’ needs? What’s the ROI or value it will bring your organization?
[Challenges if We Don’t Move Forward with Solution] No more than three points What future problems might occur if your organization doesn’t move your solution forward? The inverse of the benefits/value slide.
[Our Ask for Specific Support] No more than three points Ask for specific support. What do you need as next steps to keep moving forward?
A visual or description of what a better future would look like with your solution. Could be repeat of original visual.
Thank you for your feedback! Organization Logo Thank you for your feedback! [Organization Name] [Team Member Names] Closing slide.