Why a KETs Observatory ? Commission Communication on Key Enabling Technologies (2012) : "There is no validated market data on development and take-up of KETs" "The Commission will launch a monitoring mechanism on KETs in 2013, which will provide relevant data on the supply and demand for KETs in the EU and other regions and make the results (…) available on a website". Key features : Central source of information for KETs (quantitative : data and qualitative : analytical work) Wide-dissemination of data on a public website Target users : European and National policy makers, business stakeholders Geographical coverage : EU 28, US, China, Taiwan, Japan, South-Korea, Canada + other countries when applicable Thematic scope : 6 Key Enabling Technologies : Industrial Biotechnology, Photonics, Advanced Material, Advanced Manufacturing Techniques, Nanotechnology, Micro and Nano Electronics
KETs Observatory Analyze and compare EU performance versus others regions/country of the world (technology, production, trade, demand, business)
Wide-dissemination of data on a public website : www. ketsobservatory Wide-dissemination of data on a public website : www.ketsobservatory.eu
KETs Observatory Main problems identified for "production indicators" KETs Production data is incomplete for some countries due to confidentiality issues Weighting factors should be applied Examples of some PRODCOM codes identified for "Industrial Biotechnology"
KETs Observatory : PRODCOM workshops The workshops have two objectives: - Identify relevant PRODCOM entries for the various KETs; - Assign weighting factors, through identifying relevant KETs elements within the various PRODCOM entries. Next workshops : (in Hoofddorp – NL) - 29th October 2013 : Photonics, advanced manufacturing, micro-nanoelectronics - 5th November 2013: for industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, nanotechnology PRODCOM experts from national statistical offices are invited to attend.
KET_ADV_MANUF KET_ADV_MAT KET_IND_BIO KET_MICRO_ELEC KET_NANO_TECH KET_PHOTONICS Comments Belgium CbC Yes C Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark >=2 Germany Estonia All data from 2010 onwards are public for the codes chosen. Active confidentiality is the rule in Estonia. It has still to be check as now it could be that only one cell is confidential and this would make the aggregate confidential. Ireland 2 dominant producers for Micro Electronics Greece 3 to be checked but likely to be confidential Spain >=3 France Italy Cyprus Latvia Only 2 producers for advanced material Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Austria Yes, if calculation are made by EC not by OSZ. Portugal No Poland Romania Slovenia Slovak Republic Finland In case 2 cells are confidential they are ready to evaluate on case by case basis. Sweden United Kingdom Iceland Norway Croatia Yes Not a problem as all but 1 ocde are public Turkey Yes : unconditionally publicable CbC : case by case agreement C : should remain confidential >=2 Remain confidential if less than 2 value are confidential >=3 Remain confidential if less than 3 value are confidential