Ecosystem overviews: New ecosystem overviews are needed (update of 2008) How to optimise the use of the overviews How to present the ecosystem How to link.


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Presentation transcript:

ICES Ecosystem overviews 2012/13 Pressures, descriptors & indicators Han Lindeboom Vice-chair ACOM

Ecosystem overviews: New ecosystem overviews are needed (update of 2008) How to optimise the use of the overviews How to present the ecosystem How to link drivers and indicators (e.g. biodiversity) How to distinguish manageable and non-manageable pressures Needed: A new concept of presentation and integrated analyses

The marine ecosystem according to Han Sand extraction Climate Wind energy Fisheries North Sea Solar-activity ? ? NAO N,P,Si N,P,Si Weather Ecomare This is an example of an integrated ecosystem overview as Han Lindeboom developed for the Dutch coastal marine ecosystem. This is just a conceptual model (or picture) of the ecosystem, drivers of change and trends in important species. See next slide CO2 Temperature N-cycle Eutrophication The marine ecosystem according to Han

The marine ecosystem according to Han Sand extraction Climate Wind energy Fisheries North Sea Solar-activity ? ? NAO N,P,Si N,P,Si Weather Central is a simplified picture of the mean features of the ecosystem and food web. (Click) Surrounded by the temporal development of drivers of change like climate, fisheries, eutrophication and sand extraction. (Click) And surrounded by the temporal trends in important species like fish, birds and mammals. (Click) And in this case with a potential explanation of some of the observed changes by a more detailed look at the nitrogen cycle. For the time being this is only a conceptual model. The challenge is now to get up-to-date graphs, to collect all relevant graphs, to develop proper parameters for the different pressures and to start real integrated analyses. But we can now use this concept also for the ICES ecosystem overviews. The next sheets show the example for the North Sea CO2 Temperature N-cycle Eutrophication The marine ecosystem according to Han

The ICES North Sea ecosystem overview 2008 Bathymetry Sediments Elasmobranchs Biodiversity (fish) demersal Fish Harbour porpoise 1994 2005 N,P,Si Temperature South strandings North Zooplankton dominance This is a first North Sea ecosystem overview based on the graphs that were presented in the overview of 2008. This shows that different information was available but also that quite some information was missing (e.g. birds, phytoplankton) North Sea flux Degree of connection Salinity 1983-1993 1993-2003

The ICES North Sea biodiversity overview 2008/12 Non-manageable pressures Manageable pressures Temperature Fisheries Artificial hard substrates Sand/gravel extraction MPAs South Introduced species Platforms Ship wrecks North Eutrophication Wind farms Building with Nature Indicators Zooplankton dominance Salinity Wind N,P,Si Biodiversity fish North Sea flux Ecomare In this graph we see a first attempt to compile an overview of North Sea Biodiversity and the pressures that may cause changes. Again the non-manageable like climate and the manageable like fisheries, artificial hard substrates and MPAs. As indicators different faunal groups, like zooplankton, fish and birds are depicted, while the occurrence of different habitats is also seen as an important indicator for this descriptor. In the following sheet a detail for the seabirds is presented. Habitats Mammals Birds EcoQO Harbour porpoise Seals NL 1994 2005 Info:

The ICES North Sea ecosystem overview 2012 Descriptors Non-manageable pressures D1 Biodiversity (fish) Manageable pressures Temperature South Dutch Wadden Sea eutrophication Fisheries North Zooplankton dominance USA Wind farms Shipping Salinity N,P,Si D2 Non-indigenous species D3 Commercial fish and shellfish North Sea flux In the new approach we suggest to focus on pressures and descriptors. (Click) Central again is a simplified picture of the ecosystem concerned. (Click) Now we distinguish between non-manageable (like climate) and manageable pressures (like fisheries, wind farms etc.). (Click) And we add the 11 descriptors as identified by the EU that will be used in the MSFD. (In red are descriptors for which ICES can give support by supplying information). For each descriptor it is possible to develop a next sheet that will also contain indicators. In the next slide this is done for biodiversity D5 Eutrophication D4 Foodwebs D11 Energy including underwater noise Degree of connection D7 Hydrographical conditions D6 Sea floor integrity 1983-1993 1993-2003 D10 Marine Litter Bathymetry Sediments D9 Contaminants in Sea foods D8 Contaminants

The Seven Seas project Jan Kok and Han Lindeboom Faroe plateau Islandic Sea Barents/Norwegian Sea North Sea Atlantic Ocean In the near future we intend to develop this kind of overviews for all the different ICES sea areas. In the so called Seven Seas project we have started these overviews by using the knowledge in the overviews of 2008. We intend to ask different ICES working groups to supply information and call upon others to join this initiative in the future. Baltic Sea Celtic Sea Bay of Biscay Jan Kok and Han Lindeboom

The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems Four major Determinants Anthropocene Energy Man 11-year cycle Natural driver of change Man-made drivers of change Temperate 18-year cycle N,P,Si Setting the stage Determines reaction Habitat Intrinsic properties living nature (Intrinsic properties non-living nature) Info:

The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems Four major Determinants Man Fisheries Hunting Aquaculture Eutrophication Pollution Mining Noise River inputs Waterworks/Polders/Embankments Hard substrate Rotor blades Management CO2 emissions Invasive species Energy Anthropocene Light/heat/kinetic Climate Temperature Wind Precipitation Tides/Currents Nutrient availability Tectonics Volcanism Earth quakes Tsunamis 18-year cycle 11-year cycle + Temperate N,P,Si Intrinsic properties living nature Habitat (Intrinsic properties non-living nature) Biodiversity Behaviour Production Recruitment Predation Diseases Reef building Evolution Regime shifts/sudden changes Resilience/sensitivity Feedbacks Match/mismatch Complexity/chaos Depth Bottom type Currents Salinity Intertidal Waves (splash zone) Thermal vents Gas seeps Ice Biogenic structures Man-made structures Info:

The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems Four major Determinants Man Fisheries Hunting Aquaculture Eutrophication Pollution Mining Noise River inputs Waterworks/Polders/Embankments Hard substrate Rotor blades Management CO2 emissions Invasive species Energy Anthropocene Light/heat/kinetic Climate Temperature Wind Precipitation Tides/Currents Nutrient availability Tectonics Volcanism Earth quakes Tsunamis 18-year cycle 11-year cycle + Temperate N,P,Si Intrinsic properties living nature Habitat (Intrinsic properties non-living nature) Biodiversity Behaviour Production Recruitment Predation Diseases Reef building Evolution Regime shifts/sudden changes Resilience/sensitivity Feedbacks Match/mismatch Complexity/chaos Depth Bottom type Currents Salinity Intertidal Waves (splash zone) Thermal vents Gas seeps Ice Biogenic structures Man-made structures Info:

The suggested way forward: Workshop 7-11 January 2013 Prepare complete overviews per area (8) Extend available data series, e.g. descriptors 1,2,4,6 Work out specific areas (Baltic Sea, North Sea) Use new overviews in advice (pictures and text) Compare and analyse major changes and drivers Other suggestions ?

Statement In marine science, biodiversity is the variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes of which they are part; In marine management, biodiversity is not about biodiversity, it is about the absence or decline of species If we agree, this could be priority agenda setting Fish Elasmobranchs Benthos

Thank you