Luis Veiga da Cunha Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Presentation transcript:

FIRST MEETING OF THE UNECE TASK FORCE ON WATER AND CLIMATE Bonn, 23-24 November 2007 Luis Veiga da Cunha Universidade Nova de Lisboa Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Informal Meeting of EU Water Directors Lisbon 28-29 November 2007

UNECE TASK FORCE ON WATER AND CLIMATE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Water Courses and International Lakes (Water Convention), 1992 Protocol on Water and Health,1999 Protocol on Civil Liability for Damage Caused by the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents on Transboundary Waters, 2003 Working Groups Task Forces

TASK FORCE ON WATER AND CLIMATE Main concerns Address impacts of climate change on water management and on floods and droughts occurrences, particularly in a transboundary context Support cooperation and decision making in transboundary river basins Identify practical ways to cope with transboundary impacts of climate change through adaptation Asses water vulnerability to climate change Propose methodologies for climate proofing in river basins Identify proactive and reactive measures for coping with climate change impacts on water

TASK FORCE ON WATER AND CLIMATE Actions Consider health impacts in cooperation with the UNECE Protocol on Water and Health activities Cooperate with other UN Agencies and Programs with interest in climate change, such as WMO, UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNDP, UNEP and UNESCO Prepare a “Guidance on Water and Climate Adaptation” Prepare a Questionnaire on Water and Climate Change Organize workshops related to adaptation to climate change impacts on water

QUESTIONNAIRE ON WATER AND CLIMATE Assessment of the degree of awareness on climate change impacts on water resources, particularly in SEE and EECCA regions Asses vulnerability to climate change, particularly in the same regions Compile potential adaptation measures and strategies as well as information on implementation experiences Questionnaires currently under discussion to be sent out in January, returned in March and published in July 2008

FIRST WORKSHOP ON ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON WATER Identify adaptation strategies to cope with climate change impacts on water management Identify information and research needs in order to support these strategies A two days workshop is planned for July 2008 in the Netherlands Participants in the workshop: water managers and scientists of the relevant disciplines