Color vision & Color blindness วัตถุประสงค์ ...
Color Vision Young-Helmholz theory of color vision in humans: 3 kinds of cones, each containing a different photopigment maximally sensitive to one of the 3 primary colors the sensation of any given color being determined by the relative frequency of the impulses from each of these cone systems.
The Trichromatic Theory Any color can be matched by varying the intensities of the three primary lights because every color we see is the result of a ratio of activity among three receptors, each maximally responsive to those three lights Thus, we sense color through the relative rates of response by three primary of cones Light absorption by the pigments of the three color-receptive cones of the human retina.
Color Blindness Classification Trichromats - have all 3 cone systems Normal color vision Protanomaly R cone weak Deuteranomaly G cone weak Dichromats - with only 2 cone systems Protanopia R cone absent Deuteranopia G cone absent Tritanopia B cone absent Monochromats - have only one cone system Ishihara’s charts
Ishihara’s charts