English 10 - 6/6/16 What is your opinion of the super delegate system? What do you call a dog at the beach on a summer day? Quetcher – a constant complainer; a bother. Goals – Discuss the super delegate system. Read an article about Trump? Homework – Don’t forget to study for the vocabulary Final 24-30 Monday. A hot dog!
English 10 - 6/7/16 Biology EOC. Move on ceremony. What is the owl’s favorite subject? Jeeter – an ill mannered slob Goals – N/A. Homework – N/A. Owlgebra.
English 10 - 6/8/16 Write on a subject of your choice In what month do people talk the least? Lickpenny – a greedy, miserly person. Goals – Discuss Trump article. Read the legacy of Selma. Homework – Don’t forget to study for the vocab 24-30 Final.
English 10 – 6/9/2016 Do you like chicken? What proteins do you prefer to eat and why? How many vampires does it take to change a light bulb? Herkel – a drip. Goals - Discuss Selma Article. Read about Chickens. Homework – Complete whatever you didn’t get done in class.
English 10 - 6/10/16 Do you agree that chicken is an important part of American culture? Why or why not. What is the best way to keep water from running? Jacksauce – a rude and saucy person. Goals – Find and write on the opener: any interesting facts from articles images or graphics in magazines. Any magazines in the room. Check out some on the table up front. We will share them on Tuesday. Homework – Prepare for Vocab 24-30 final on Monday. Don’t pay the water bill.
English 10 6/13/2016 Five minutes to study for vocab. Final 24-30. . A hole has been found in the nudist colony fence. The police have ben looking into it. Noil – a piece or knot of short hair or fiber. Goal – Complete the final. Read magazines for interesting information to share tomorrow. Homework – none.
English 10 6/14/2016 Write about the items you found interesting while reading the magazines. You are stuck with debt if you can’t budge it. Piff – something that is insignificant, a trifle. Goal – Discuss issues and information from the magazines you have been reading. Homework – Have a nice summer! Do some fun reading.