ECVET for labor market
Discussion Mismatch education – labour market Influence labour market on education (profiles) Experience is more valuable than diploma’s for the labour market, not for the employee Focus on LO/Units/Points from the technical specifications * What’s the potential benefit to labour market? Potential added value? In one row (LO/Units/Points/Transfer) What’s the key element/key variable to achieve these benefits? To make it work. Pragmatically possible How do you make it work in specific context. What does it really look in practice. The key variables that could impact implementation in these different context. Example: if we take LO can be to build bridges. But depending the variables will change. If LO will be a benefit for the labour market has to be related to the jobs. If LO are only related to qualifications there’s no benefit for the labour market 40 min – 5 min – discussion/elaboration for 20 minutes = 65 minutes
Upgrading workers qualification Transferring and accumulating credit: from a qualification at one level towards a qualification at another level from a qualification system towards another qualification system
Key words Lifelong learning Perme-ability Mobility Flexible learning pathways within education & training systems Flexible learning pathways between education & training systems Validation of non-formal / informal learning Bridge between labour market and E&T system Lifelong learning Trans-parency Perme-ability Mobility
Ecvet benefits for the labor market LO Units Transfer accumulation recognition ECVET points Employability Mobility Flexible pathways Validation NFIL Focus on LO/Units/Points from the technical specifications * What’s the potential benefit to labour market? Potential added value? In one row (LO/Units/Points/Transfer) What’s the key element/key variable to achieve these benefits? To make it work. Pragmatically possible How do you make it work in specific context. What does it really look in practice. The key variables that could impact implementation in these different context. Example: if we take LO can be to build bridges. But depending the variables will change. If LO will be a benefit for the labour market has to be related to the jobs. If LO are only related to qualifications there’s no benefit for the labour market 40 min – 5 min – discussion/elaboration for 20 minutes = 65 minutes