New Academic Program Annual Development Cycle
In AY2017… Student-Centered Processes & Places New Program Proposals Program Refresh New Program Development New Program Proposals Pre-Proposal making the case for alignment to Mission, Market & Margin. Public presentation and critique. Advance to Full Proposal New Programs Approved by FS MS, Management MS, I/O Psychology MS, Professional Practices in Public Safety MS, Teacher Education (CBE) MS, Special Education (CBE)
AY 2018 and beyond… Constant Design Process New Program Approval Focused Innovation Constant Design Process Model Program Proposal Annual Faculty-Driven Selection Process Model Program Development New Program Approval
1 2 3 4 +1 Persist Connecting Innovation and Program Design Focus on ideas that matter to Marian’s mission, core values, and strategic goals. 1 Tweak and challenge the initial model to determine basic feasibility. 3 Connect to clients, colleagues, and the wider world to see if there’s a market for the idea. 2 Propose the best model for mission, market and margin! 4 +1 Persist in pursuing innovation in curriculum as usual. Persist Focus Connect Tweak Propose Without animations Adapted from: “Innovation as Usual”, Harvard Business Review Press (2013)
The Proposal: Four Aspects of Basic Feasibility Need What identified need(s) will this innovative program address? Want How does the design address key constituent priorities and Marian’s strategic goals? Demand What is the evidence that demand is sufficient to justify investment in this model? Resources What resources are needed to put this innovation into practice? JESSICA Basic feasibility provides a preliminary analysis of the degree to which the innovation addresses the needs and wants of key stakeholders, the existing demand in relation to required resources, and a brief description of what resources might be needed to put the innovation into practice.
Annual Development Cycle By November 1: Propose the Concept Three-page proposal, based on basic feasibility framework. By November 15: Make the Case Share proposal with the Marian Community Present at a Program Proposal Showcase By November 30: Critique Feedback from the Marian community By January 15: Evaluation and Notification of Selection The Academic Planning Group evaluates and recommends to Cabinet prioritization of programs for development. Cabinet selects priority programs for development in current cycle By March 15: Full Proposal to CES or Graduate CES