ETSI TC MTS TDL SC meeting Reports dr György Réthy, Ericsson
See details in the meeting report: Output of TDL SC#1 26. March 2014 Summary Roles shall be property of the test descriptions, not the test configuration Referencing partial TDs: sub-configuration bindings: keep it simple: choose only one way, the most straightforward and flexible solution: binding in (by) the calling TD Composition of test configurations is low priority Data concepts: test data by (external) reference; distinction between types and templates (in the TTCN-3 sense) is questioned Graphical syntax: primary audience are the end users: to be defined in an easy-to-understand way; standard shall not rely on a specific tool (DD); re-use UML syntax where possible, but avoid changing the semantics of elements STF status report: See details in the meeting report:
Output of TDL SC#2 14. may 2014 Summary