Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 9/28 Tuesday 9/29 Wednesday 9/30 Thursday 10/1 Friday 10/2 Marble Monday! Do Now Check hw Name That Tool! Review, Fill In, Discuss *per 2 finish pretest HW: 1.Metric Chart handout Review tools 2. Quiz on Wednesday 3. Tune In Thursday Assignment! Check website Trivia Tuesday! Do now Intro to length cm and mm Practice measuring Metric Scavenger Hunt! 1. Linear Measurement worksheet 2. Tools Quiz tomorrow Wonder Wednesday! Name ThatTool Quiz Finish Length/SI Units Worksheet 1. Worksheet 2. Linear Measurement Quiz tomorrow Tune In Thursday! Linear Measurement Quiz Intro to Volume Meniscus Beaker vs. Graduated Cylinder Family Friday! Activity: Turn Up The Volume! Family Friday
Miss Viggiano and Miss Leach’s Science Class Monday 9/17 Tuesday 9/18 Wednesday 9/19 Thursday 9/20 Friday 9/21 DO NOW Check and Review HW Scientific Method Text pgs. 148-150 Workbook Pgs. 9-14 “What is the Scientific Method?” HW: Define: Mass, Volume, Density Lab Report Handout “Layering Liquids” Demo Why do we conduct lab reports? Finish Lab Report Worksheet “Sink or Float” Demo Apply/use lab report format to demonstration Identify Lab Equipment & uses-text pgs. 145-149 “International System of Units”worksheet HW: Finish worksheet How do we measure length? Metric Scavenger Hunt!!! Work w/lab partner ACTIVITY: Measuring the Volume of a liquid Working in groups at tables PQ???
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 1/3 Tuesday 1/4 Wednesday 1/5 Thursday 1/6 Friday 1/7 Review 5-1/5-2 & Counting atoms(Quiz) Coefficients 6-3 Balancing Chemical Equations HW: Balancing Equations Ditto Review HW Chemical Reactions Vocabulary additions Show examples of Science Fair Boards HW: 6-4 Ditto Review 6-4 HW Review for Test Discuss Science Fair HW: STUDY FOR TEST (AFTER SCHOOL HELP TODAY) 832 & 833 Chapter 6 Test 831 & 834 HW: SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS DUE MONDAY!
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 1/10 Tuesday 1/11 Wednesday 1/12 Thursday 1/13 Friday 1/14 Science Fair Presentations REWARD DAY! Intro to Chapter 8: Weather Bill Nye Video & Worksheet HW: Prepare to get back to work on Monday!
Miss Viggiano’s Class Monday 1/17 Tuesday 1/18 Wednesday 1/19 Thursday 1/20 Friday 1/21 No School! Review & complete Ch. 8 Vocab Bubbles Wind demo Clouds & overhead worksheet HW: 8-1 ditto “Clouds and What They Mean” video & worksheet Dew point & Relative Humidity Measuring Dew Point Lab p. 245 & 249 Bill Nye “Water Cycle” video w/20 facts Begin Water Cycle p. 243 Review p. 250 OR HW HW: 8-1 Quest ditto Review the Water Cycle & HW Discuss Precipitation & Temperature Demo? Begin Changes in Weather: Fronts 8-2 ditto in Class?
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 1/31 Tuesday 2/1 Wednesday 2/2 Thursday 2/3 Friday 2/4 Weather Chart Outdoor Observations Tornado Lab p. 261 832 & 833 Quiz! Tracking a Hurricane 831 & 834 Quiz! HW: Bring in weather forecast map from newspaper Newspaper Review Mindmap Study guide handout Mindmap Continued Q & A’s for test HW: Study For Ch. 8 Test! Chapter 8 Test
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 11/01 Tuesday 11/02 Wednesday 11/03 Thursday 11/04 Friday 11/05 Seating “Getting to know you” activity Rules Mind map handout & review POP QUIZ! ½ period- Review Ch. 7 ½ period GEPA-Ch. 1 Scientific Method HW-STUDY FOR CH. 7 TEST Ch. 7 Test Science Fair: -Approved topics -Hypothesis Parent letter Handout HW-Rough- Draft hypothesis Due MONDAY * Be prepared to begin Ch. 4 next week! No School!
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 11/01 Tuesday 11/02 Wednesday 11/03 Thursday 11/04 Friday 11/05 Seating “Getting to know you” activity Rules Mind map handout & review POP QUIZ! ½ period- Review Ch. 7 ½ period GEPA-Ch. 1 Scientific Method HW-STUDY FOR CH. 7 TEST Ch. 7 Test Science Fair: -Approved topics -Hypothesis Parent letter Handout HW-Rough- Draft hypotheis Due MONDAY * Be prepared to begin Ch. 4 next week!
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 11/08 Tuesday 11/09 Wednesday 11/10 Thursday 11/11 Friday 11/12 -Collect hypothesis drafts -10min. Discuss Procedure (ex. Cookie recipe) Intro to Ch. 4 Bill Nye Video & worksheet Internet Lesson Closing questions CH. 7 Tests back! -Second group hypothesis drafts due Continued: Structure of the Atom Worksheet 4-1 Hypothesis due 4-2 Subatomic Particles Drawing the Atom Procedure discussions Take home parent letters HW-Final Procedures Due TOMORROW Final Procedures Due Library Day HW- Get letters to folks signed! Parents’ letters due back signed 832 Library 831, 833, 834: GEPA lesson p. 98 Finish up Subatomic Particles Intro to Energy Levels of Electrons and Quarks
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 11/01 Tuesday 11/02 Wednesday 11/03 Thursday 11/04 Friday 11/05 Seating “Getting to know you” activity Rules Mind map handout & review POP QUIZ! ½ period- Review Ch. 7 ½ period GEPA-Ch. 1 Scientific Method HW-STUDY FOR CH. 7 TEST Ch. 7 Test Science Fair: -Approved topics -Hypothesis Parent letter Handout HW-Rough- Draft hypothesis Due MONDAY * Be prepared to begin Ch. 4 next week! No School!
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 11/15 Tuesday 11/16 Wednesday 11/17 Thursday 11/18 Friday 11/19 Finish 4-2 Worksheet Intro to Energy levels & Quarks! HW: Research papers due tomorrow! RESEARCH PAPERS DUE Scientists Review & handout Review & Assess Worksheet Go through Research Plans HW: Finish Research Plan kit & get signed Research Plans Due Ch. 4 Bingo & Challenge HW: Study for Quiz tomorrow Structure of Atoms QUIZ! Intro to the Periodic Table “The Power of the Periodic Table” & notes Isotopes & Atomic Mass Investigate p.152 & 153 Periodic Table worksheet
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 11/22 Tuesday 11/23 Wednesday 11/24 Thursday 11/25 Friday 11/26 Review Isotopes & Atomic Mass Intro to The Periodic Table Color and label the Periodic Table “How Elements Got Their Name” Worksheet “What does the Periodic Table...” Overhead lesson Element Day Project HW: Pick an element & draw its atomic structure Element assignment due Handouts: “Element Search” & Websites Library Day HW: Finish “Element Search”ditto NO SCHOOL! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Work on Element Day Project! Monday 11/29 Tuesday 11/30 Wednesday 12/1 Thursday 12/2 Friday 12/3 Element Day Draft Due Review Periodic Table Finish Ditto #23, “What does the Periodic Table...” Review Scientists Handout Science Fair Boards 833 & 832: In-class element project Handout ditto’s- Packets 11 & 12 833/32 HW: Lesson #11 packet 831& 834: Library Day Packet #11 ditto review Begin #12 831 & 834: Handout ditto’s- Packet #11 831/34 HW: Lesson #11 packet PQ Review Ditto Packets 11 # 12 ½ period: in-class element project Science Fair Element Bingo and/or HW: Work on Element Day Project!
Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Monday 12/6 Tuesday 12/7 Wednesday 12/8 Thursday 12/9 Friday 12/10 Review Chapter’s 4 & 5 Final Element Day Questions HW: Come prepared to give your presentation WEARING your element! ELEMENT DAY PROJECTS DUE! Final element presentations from yesterday Review for Test Pre-test today HW: Study for test tomorrow! 5 minute review Chapter 4 & 5 Test Atoms & Periodic Table