DN Interruption Phase II 27 January 2011
Supply Type Initialisation Proposed Solution Shippers to re-confirm all on demand LDZ interruptible supply points using current processes with an effective date of 01 October 2011 to: Change the supply type status to firm Set the NDM SOQ or DMSOQ & DMSHQ parameters Correct transportation invoicing Ensure compliance with UNC MOD090 For any sites remaining unconfirmed by a back-stop date, it is proposed that they will be reconfirmed by the Transporter on the current Registered User’s behalf
Benefits Shippers will nominate the correct Supply Type and receive an appropriate Supply Point Offer for the nominated values. Shippers will be able to confirm supply points with GNT permitted by code NDM or DM (DMM, DMV or DME) Updates both Transporter and Shipper systems. Provides an opportunity to review and set the DM SOQ & DM SHQ: DMSOQ for Interruptible Supply Point will not have increased in line with daily consumption (although BSSOQ will have been reset once per year). Supply Points confirmed as Firm DM will be subject to the LDZ capacity ratchet regime.
Supply Type Initialisation Shipper / xoserve indicative milestones April ’11 July ‘11 April - xoserve will issue to Shippers interruptible portfolios to current Registered System Users together with Appeals to change the supply type through the usual process April – May – Shippers to review portfolio and SOQ/SHQ Shippers nominate using appropriate appeal reference Networks process appeals in the normal way – allow time for referrals May – Shippers advise of any amendments to Registered System User, DMSOQ, DMSHQ, GNT Change May onwards – xoserve issue revised appeals as required The above dates will be subject to change and are dependent on the commencement of technical evaluation.
Restricted transfer dates Re-confirmation of LDZ Interruptible supply points with requested effective dates between 08/09/11 - 19/10/11 will be rejected These confirmations would prevent a correct transfer for 1st October Where a Shipper has a supply contract (incoming Shipper) due to commence between these dates where effective date is other than 01/10/11, incoming Shipper will need to notify xoserve. Transportation adjustments can be processed for the period where the RSU doesn’t align with the customer contract.
Supply Type Initialisation Proposed Solution - Timeline The above dates will be subject to change and are dependent on the commencement of technical evaluation.
Backstop process Any sites remaining unconfirmed by the ‘back-stop date’ would be re-confirmed by the Transporter on the current Registered System User’s behalf xoserve will advise the Registered System User of any sites that remain unconfirmed to ‘firm’ by the ‘back-stop date’ xoserve will create .NOM and .CNF files for each Shipper If required, copies of files can be issued to Shippers File names will be previously unused references SOQ/SHQ values used in that confirmation will be exactly as held in Sites and Meters at that time, regardless of any appeal raised by Shippers earlier in the year Current Shipper and Supplier and current emergency contacts will also be utilised Files would be processed through UK Link and normal response files generated Files may be issued to Shippers TRF files would be issued to Shippers at D-7 Same process would be operated for Unique Sites but carried out off-line