Electrons and Light!
So what exactly is light? Light is a wave of energy, a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum!
Light as a Wave Light moves in waves from the light source to your eye or other detectors! Waves have several characteristics!
Wave Characteristics c = λ× ν c = speed of light = 3.00 × 108 m/s λ = wavelength ν = frequency
Light can also act as particles, we call them PHOTONS!!!!!! Moving along those waves, there are little packets of energy called photons. Photons have specific amounts of energy as determined by the frequency of the light. E = h × ν The higher the frequency of the light, the more energy the light has.
Atomic Emission Spectrum Atomic emission spectra are unique spectra of light emitted by an element when electricity is run through it or when it is viewed through a prism. Because they are unique, they can act as an element s fingerprint.
Atomic Emission Spectrum