Our Sociological Viewpoint on Pornography Karla, Lauri, Salote, Samantha, Viviana
The history 1953: Hugh Heffner published the first copy of Playboy. 1980: VCR allowed for there to be home movies. 1996: People began watching porn on the Internet. 2006: Smart phones became available for people to view porn anywhere.
The Definition of Pornography The depiction of erotic behavior as in picture or writing intended to cause sexual excitement. Usually refer to representation designed to arouser and give sexual pleasure to read, see, hear.
It’s Effect Pornography has a grand negative effect on relationships because it changes couples expectations on sexual intercourse. If those expectation are not met, it can cause an unhappy relationship.
Brain on porn
Statistics on Pornography As of 2003, there were 1.3 million pornographic websites; 260 million pages. The total porn industry revenue for 2006: $13.3 billion in the United States; $97 billion worldwide. Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction: 10%; 28% of those are women. 47% percent of families said pornography is a problem in their home. Between 1998 and 2007, the number of pornographic websites grew by 1,800%.
Connections to Society Human Trafficking Prostitution Rape Crime Domestic Violence
References https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi&ei=03Q2VdSbDZPmoAShz4HQBQ&ved=0CBMQqi4oAg http://www.fightthenewdrug.org/porns-harm-is-changing-fast/#sthash.AT27YLX7.dpuf http://www.safefamilies.org/sfStats.php http://fightthenewdrug.org/porn-changes-the-brain/#sthash.FDlSi1Vx.dpbs http://www.feedtherightwolf.org/2011/07/history-of-pornagraphy-and-how-it/