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A-100 ANSWER: About 2% of your urine consists of this specific nitrogenous waste product QUESTION: What is UREA
A-200 ANSWER: A nitrogenous waste product that comes from the breakdown of the high-energy muscle molecule phospho-creatine. QUESTION: What is CREATININE
A-300 ANSWER: Your typical urinary bladder can hold a maximum of about this much, A) 300 ml C) 1000 ml B) 600 ml D) 2000 ml QUESTION: What is 600 ml
A-400 ANSWER: During Urinalysis if someone’s sample is labeled as “Glycosurea” it probably indicates that the individual is likely to have this medical condition. QUESTION: What is DIABETES
A-500 ANSWER: This antibiotic is commonly secreted out at the distal convoluted tubule to add a final ingredient to your urine. QUESTION: What is PENICILLIN
B-100 ANSWER: This is the specific site for Tubular Reabsorption. QUESTION: What is the PROXIMAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE
B-200 ANSWER: This specific blood vessel (arteriole) is the one that directly carries blood toward the peritubular capillary network. QUESTION: What is the EFFERENT ARTERIOLE
B-300 ANSWER: When HCO3 – ions are reabsorbed from the Distal Convoluted tubule, it is likely that your blood is not at the right pH (7.4). What pH might it be at. QUESTION: What is a lower pH, perhaps a 7.1 indicating Acidosis of the blood
B-400 ANSWER: Aldosterone most specifically targets the cells at this specific part of the nephron. QUESTION:What is the DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE
B-500 ANSWER:A hormone released from this specific site will begin to convert Angiotensinogen into Angiotensin I. QUESTION: What is the JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS
C-100 ANSWER: The waste product shown here QUESTION: What is UREA
C-200 ANSWER: The molecule shown here QUESTION: What is BICARBONATE ION
C-300 ANSWER:The molecule shown here QUESTION: What is AMMONIA
C-400 ANSWER:The type of molecule shown here QUESTION: What is an AMINO ACID
C-500 ANSWER: This Renal Hormone Shown here is released from the Adrenal Cortex. QUESTION: What is ALDOSTERONE
D-100 ANSWER: This urinary tract structure is about 5 X longer in a male. QUESTION: What is the URETHRA
D-200 ANSWER: Renal pyramids and collecting ducts are located in this region of the kidney. QUESTION: What is the RENAL MEDULLA
D-300 ANSWER: The proximal convoluted tubule cells posses these two structural features. QUESTION: What are BRUSHBORDER OF MICROVILLI and MANY MITOCHONDRIA
D-400 ANSWER: This specific structure is permeable to Na + ions but impermeable to H2O QUESTION: What is the ASCENDING LIMB OF THE LOOP OF HENLE
D-500 ANSWER: The name of the structure that letter A is pointing to QUESTION: What is the ADRENAL GLAND
E-100 ANSWER: I am the hormone that is produced in the Hypothalamus, and I mostly target the cells of the collecting duct causing them to become more permeable to a substance that brings up blood volume. QUESTION: What is Antidiuretic Hormone and Water
E-200 ANSWER:Which has the highest solute concentration in its tissues? - Outer Cortex - Inner Medulla - Outer Medulla - Inner Cortex QUESTION: What is the INNER MEDULLA
E-300 ANSWER: Both the name of the hormone and the structure from which it is produced and released from when the body needs to increase the excretion of K+ and reabsorb more Na+ QUESTION: What is ALDOSTERONE and the ADRENAL GLAND (adrenal cortex)
E-400 ANSWER: Give the full name for the hormone that is released from the heart and is responsible for inhibiting the secretion of Renin and Aldosterone. Resulting in more sodium to be excreted QUESTION: What is ATRIAL NATRIURETIC HORMONE
E-500 ANSWER: Any drug or chemical that causes a reduction to blood pressure and blood volume through increased voiding. QUESTION: What are DIURETICS
FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: The Renal Hormone responsible for stimulating the bone marrow to produce more blood cells QUESTION: What is ERYTHROPOTEIN