Reception (National Numeracy Strategy) (Based on DFEE Sample Lessons) Dr Fog Presents Making labels for Classroom Equipment Reception (National Numeracy Strategy) (Based on DFEE Sample Lessons)
Resources Everyday packages showing number of their contents. Classroom signs showing numbers. Self-adhesive labels. Wooden or plastic numerals Number Stamps Number frieze Classroom equipment.
Mental Learning Objective Today you are going to learn how numbers help organise the classroom so that we don’t lose things.
Mental Learning Task 6 eggs What does this number mean?
Mental Learning Task How many eggs are there?
Mental Learning Task How many Pencils do I have?
Mental Learning Task Count how many she has of each. Your teacher will show you other objects. Count how many she has of each.
Mental Learning Objective Today you are going to learn how numbers help organise the classroom so that we don’t lose things.
Main Learning Objective I can read and write numbers.
Main Learning Task Today we are going to make labels. First sit in groups of four to six children. What do we need to label?
Main Learning Task Sort out the equipment we need. How many objects should go in each pot? You will write with your teacher the number of each objects in each pot.
Main Learning Objective I can read and write numbers.
Plenary Look at the pots we have labelled. Are the right number of things in each jar? How do you know? What have you learnt today?
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