The Lazy Dog Printing Press Team Members: Mandi Hall Rob Wilkins Jennifer Williams
The Team
Materials Plywood Balsa Wood Spring Funnel Golf Ball Stamp Felt Hinge Super Glue
Introduction The goal of our device is to successfully stamp a piece of paper. The golf ball launches from the platform, then knocks a ball loose. The balls then flip a handle and release the stamp.
The Lazy Dog Printing Press
Projectile Motion Trajectory Equation (y-y0) = tan(Θ)*(x-x0)-(g/(2v02))*(1+tan2(Θ))*(x-x0)2 The first golf ball is launched into the funnel by a spring.
Conservation of Momentum COM Equations: mA*vA + mB*vB = mA*vA’ + mB*vB’ e = -(vB’ – vA’) vB – vA The first golf ball collides with the second tipping the third ball in.
Conservation of Energy COE Equation: 1/2mvo2+mgh0+1/2kxo2+Win = 1/2mvf2+mghf+1/2kxf2+Eloss When the golf balls strike the handle and release the stamp energy is conserved.
Conclusions Conservation of Energy Conservation of Momentum Achieved with stamp Conservation of Momentum Achieved with golf balls Projectile Motion Achieved with launcher Repeatability It works almost every time